Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christian Aid's Urgent Appeal for Donations

Christian Aid's income has been seriously affected by the recession and they do not currently have enough funds to cover all their planned activities in 2010. Unless circumstances change, on 19 February decisions about priorities will have to be made and who to stop helping.
Therefore, they have put out an urgent appeal for donations.

If you can support this and their important work for justice for the world's poorest, please click here.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

COP15 - picking up the pieces

The outcome of two years of preparation, and two weeks of negotiation has been a bitter disappointment for all who care about justice in this world and our responsibility to future generations. If we don't sort this mess out we will all be the losers. But it is important not to give up campaigning or hope as Sarah Spinney, Christian Aid's climate change campaigns manager suggests here.
Bishop David's BLOG contains a letter from Elias Crisostomo Abramides, the World Council of Churches' head of delegation to the Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen expressing a similar determination.
And in a BBC Radio 4 Thought for Today the Revd. Colin Morris suggests that faith communities have a significant role to play.

We can do better than this! We must do better than this!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Bishop Geoffrey's Christmas Message

Bishop Geoffrey's Christmas Message 2009 posted on the Diocese in Europe website can be accessed here.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Latest news from Bountiful Harvest Rural Development Philippines

One of the mission projects supported by St Thomas Becket is a NGO - Bountiful Harvest Rural Development - dedicated to bettering the lives of the local people on the Island of Palawan, Philippines. Simon Gill, who was a member of St Thomas Becket Church in the early 90's and his wife Jinky, are providing a "holistic ministry" i.e. addressing basic human rights, transferring agricultural skills and combining this with a 'quiet witness to Christ' to the rural community on Palawan. (See 'Mission Projects' page)

Their latest Newsletter can be accessed here. If you think the weather to be challenging here in Hamburg - read the newsletter!

Monday, December 14, 2009

"Act for the sake of love"

"We cannot show the right kind of love for our fellow humans unless we also work at keeping the earth as a place that is a secure home for all people".

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, was invited to preach by the Danish Council of Churches. The service was attended by the Queen of Denmark, by ambassadors and by members of international delegations attending the Copenhagen climate change negotiations, as well as religious leaders.

In his sermon the Archbishop contrasted fear, which can paralyse, with love, which is the liberating and decisive force for change: "In this season of Advent ... We reaffirm our conviction and commitment in the name of love; and we say 'don't be afraid' to all who stand uncertainly on the edge of decision. Don't be afraid; act for the sake of love."

For the full text Click here.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

This week 13th-20th December

Choir Practice Tuesday 15th December 18:30 - for the Carol Service.
Monthly Eucharist Thursday 17th December 19:00
Carol Service with Nativity Sunday 20th December 10:30.

Please note the Advent and Christmas appeal for USPG-Anglicans in World Mission and Africa-Action.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Calling all budding journalists!

The next edition of the parish magazine 'Becket News' is under preparation. The editor would be very pleased to receive short articles on topics of interest by 20th December. Please give the editor a chance of a Christmas break, and contribute something - 200-350 words will do! Many thanks.

Friday, December 11, 2009

A Spiritual Presence at COP 15

Heated negotiations are well underway, hopefully to result in the cooling of the planet. COP15 is bustling with activity. Accreditation of journalists has had to be stopped. There are 5000 of them. The capacity of the venue is 15000, and it is full.

In all this it good to have a place of refuge and this is being provided by St Albans Anglican Church in Copenhagen, which is open every day during COP15 ‘as a place of welcome, hospitality, prayer, stillness and engagement with the issues…’. The church has put on an imaginative programme supported by a team of Franciscan brothers, sisters and Anglican clergy.

On Sunday 13th December – the half way point of the conference – a Ecumenical Service (to be broadcast) will be held in Copenhagen Cathedral, with representatives of the world’s denominations, including churches in Greenland, the South Pacific and Africa. The Archbishop of Canterbury will preach the sermon and Archbishop Desmond Tutu will participate. The service will end with a symbolic ringing of bells, which will be echoed across the city, the country and the world.

And hopefully then we will all come to our senses! (Scroll down a bit further for Christian Aid's prayer for COP15.)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Funeral of Peter Holst

The funeral of Peter Holst will take place at 15:00 on Friday 11th December.
At the request of the family, those who wish to do so are invited to make a donation to the English Church Hamburg (Englisch-bischöfliche-Gemeinde). The account details are to be found at the bottom of the end page of the parish magazine 'Becket News'. Please mark the transfer "Spende-Peter Holst". Thank you.
Details of the location of the church can be found here.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Human Rights Day 2009

December 10 is 'Human Rights Day'. And it is the Day on which the Nobel Prizes are given.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was established 61 years ago. Its opening statement “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” sets the message for this year's theme which focuses on non-discrimination. Despite the fact that all States have ratified at least one of the core human rights treaties, the fight against discrimination remains a daily struggle for millions around the globe.

The realisation of all human rights - social, economic and cultural rights as well as civil and political rights – is hampered by discrimination. All too often, when faced with prejudice and discrimination, political leaders, governments and ordinary citizens are silent or complacent.

We can all make a difference. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights encourages people everywhere to seize the opportunity of Human Rights Day 2009 to join hands to embrace diversity and end discrimination. We are encouraged to celebrate Human Rights Day by advocating non-discrimination, organising activities, raising awareness and reaching out to our local communities on 10 December and throughout 2010. Why not start by being friendly to the person who looks different to you on the S-Bahn!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thought for the Week: If you want peace in the world, start with yourself!

The theme of the Second Sunday of Advent - Prayers for Peace:
Before we pray for the peace of the world, let us pray
'Lord, may peace begin with me . Let me face up to my aggressive feelings; let me overcome my prejudices against others.'

Or as Mahatma Gandhi put it
'Be the change you want to see!'.

The theme of the Third Sunday of Advent will be Hope. Please do come with your hopes for 2010!

This week 6th-13th December

Choir Practice Tuesday 8th December 18:30 - to get in tune for the Favorite Hymns evening 12.12 and for the Carol Service Sunday 20th December. Newcomers welcome.
Bible Study Wednesday 9th December 15:00 in the West Room. Last meeting before Christmas.
Funeral of Peter Holst Friday 11th December 15:00
Favourite Hymns evening Saturday 12th December 18:30 - coffee and cake will be served from 17:45.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Christian Aid's prayer for the climate change negotiations

Christ our Lord, when we remember the sacrifice you made for the world, remind us that we are called to care for the world and its people, and challenge us to see how our actions change the world. Be with us as we act to make a difference.

Christ, whom we remember in the bread, remind us of those who are hungry, and challenge to us to see how our actions change the world. Christ, whom we remember in the wine, remind us of those who are thirsty, and challenge us to see how our actions change the world.

Christ, as we remember your perfect sacrifice, inspire us to follow your example and to work with you to restore a broken world. Motivate us to take action, and grant wisdom and courage to the world's leaders that they can negotiate a fair deal for the world's poor in Copenhagen. Remind us that you are with us, and that when we live lives of service, we live them in your name. Amen.

Click here to access the Danish UN Climate Change Conference website, and here for the official UN site.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Archbishop of Canterbury World AIDS Day Video

On the recomendation of Bishop David Hamid in his BLOG entry for 1 December, World AIDS Day, click here to view Rowan Williams highlighting the plight of expectant mothers who are HIV positive and the support they need to prevent the transmission of HIV to their babies.
Despite the tragic subject matter, the video in keeping with the message of season of Advent is a message of hope.