Sunday, February 28, 2010

Christian Giving Sunday 7th March

Lent is a time of challenge and renewal. One of the challenges presented is to reflect on our giving to the church and to charity. The Church of England General Synod recommends a figure of 5% of disposable income for donations to the church. Increased giving to St Thomas Becket would mean than rather than have just about enough to keep the church running more could be used to support specific activities.
Please think too about the Mission projects the church tries to support. However hard up we think we are, there are many people a lot poorer than ourselves!

Please note St Thomas Becket does not receive any money from the Kirchensteuer and is entirely dependent on freewill donations!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Floods in Funchal

Bishop David's blog contains news from the Anglican church of Holy Trinity, Funchal on Madeira hit by devastating floods and mudslides. The situation has been declared a national disaster.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the people hit by this catastrophe as they start the hard task of clearing the devastation, and for those who have lost family and friends.

Electoral Roll

The Annual General Meeting on 18th April is under preparation. The Register of Electors for the AGM is now open for new applications. If you are a regular worshipper with us (even on a once a month basis) you are invited to make an application. Please take your part in the democratic process of electing Church Wardens and Council members on 18th April.

Lent Study Books

After an unexpected, but pleasing, run on the USPG booklet for Lent, a fresh supply has been obtained and copies are available in church or by contacting the Chaplain. "The Well is Deep" is a study of Jesus' meeting with the woman at the well in John chapter 4 in the light of the experience of Anglican Church experiences in Ghana.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

On the subject of denial

Some of us may be using the Lent season to practice some form of self-denial. It is perhaps just as important to think about those who are making a greater sacrifice on our behalf, and not just in Lent, as this recent Thought for the Day from BBC Radio 4's 'Today Programme' provided by Padre Mark Christian suggests.
Whatever we might think of the military presence itself, we have reason to be grateful for those prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Carnival time over folks - Lent begins

Lent as, the Archbishop of Canterbury suggests in his video message on Lent, provides an opportunity to "sweep and clean the room of our own minds and hearts so that the new life really may have room to come in and take over and transform us at Easter."

Further Thoughts to get you started are to be found on the Pause for Thought page.

Wishing readers of this website a reflective and fulfilling Lent season.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Thought for St Valentines Day

For those who are in love; for those who are blessed in giving and receiving from a partner, give thanks.
For those who are disappointed in love, or who have been rejected, remember.
For those who are unable to love or know the touch of a beloved, show sympathy.
For those who have left thoughts of personal love behind, for the depth of a wider service offered, show admiration.
rejoice that everyone has different gifts in the Spirit of Christ.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Winding up the carnival season!

Hamburg being a serious minded Hanseatic sort of place doesn't do carnivals in the run up to Lent, though there have been a few brave efforts - or as much as can be achieved on ice!

But Lent begins here too, with Ash Wednesday, 17th February. A Eucharist with Penitential Rite will be held at 19:00 at St Thomas Becket's.
A good way to start a period of reflection on what the journey to the Cross means.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Your chance to have your say!

The new Church Council and Church Wardens will be elected during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the 18th of April 2010. All those on the Electoral Roll are entitled to vote (see above), but all are welcome to attend. It is really important for the life of the church that as many people as possible support this event.

The AGM will take place directly after the Eucharist on 18th April. Please note the date and make the effort to be in church. The meeting itself will be short and will be followed by a shared lunch. A great social opportunity in other words!

If you are not on the Electoral Roll, and have questions about this please contact Birte. Other questions relating to the AGM can be addressed to the members of the Council. All are contactable via the (confidential) email on this website.

Even the Wanderers are defeated!

The freeze-thaw conditions in Hamburg is taking its toll. The winter scenic charm is wearing a bit thin: for most of us the concentration required to not slip and fall when walking along Hamburg's pavements is just too much. Oh for a thaw!
It has even defeated the Wanderers who walk in all weathers, but not on all surfaces. Given the icy conditions, the walk planned for 13 February has reluctantly been cancelled.

Next walk is 13th March. A volunteer is sought to arrange this. Hopefully by then the ice will have cleared!