Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Mission Projects

At the Chaplaincy Council meeting 21 June, two new USPG-Anglicans in World Mission Projects were chosen to be supported over the next couple of years.
These are We also will continue to support Africa-Action, with its essential medical care in Africa, led by German doctors. Their magazine is called Weiter Sehen!

Please support these activities with donations and fund raising where possible.

Monday, June 21, 2010

4th July!

4th July is not only Independence Day for our US friends, but also the date of a Service beginning with Favourite Hymns and a deadline for articles for Becket News. Don't miss either!

This Sunday - Junior Church Prize Giving

Sunday 27th June 10:30 Eucharist with Junior Church. Young and young-at-heart welcome to join Junior Church afterwards in the park for picnic if sunny, or in the School Tumhalle, if wet.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Young Adults Meeting Friday 18th June

A reminder that the Young Adults Group is meeting this Friday at 8:00 pm. Details of where to meet on Young Adults page under activities.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

What we can learn from South Africa

There is more going on in South Africa than just football!

Between matches, readers may like to consider the thoughts of the Archbishop of Cape Town on what the Anglican Communion can learn from the Apartheid era in tackling the divisive issue of human sexuality.
For the full article from the USPG website click here

USPG is one of the organisations St Thomas Becket Church supports as part of its Mission Activities.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Football and religion?

Well, only those who have cut themselves off from the world can have failed to notice that the World Cup is underway.
There are those who even suggest that football is the new religion of our age.

Many UK churches are putting the two together, as an article in this week's Church Times suggests!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Confirmation 2010 - first meeting 19th June

For those who wish to be confirmed this year, or those who simply wish to explore the idea, there is a first meeting in church on Saturday, 19th June 10:30-11:30..

Our Diocesan Bishop Geoffrey will confirm candidates 17th October during his visit to the Chaplaincy.

Deadline approaching for Becket News

The deadline for submissions for the summer edition of Becket News is 4th July. This is slightly later than previously announced so gives extra time to contribute something of substance. Do help the editor, however, by getting stuff in early. Thanks!

Online Diocesan Synod Digest

Complementing the Podcasts put up during the Diocese in Europe Synod held in Cologne recently, the Diocesan Communications Officer has produced a succinct yet informative digest of what went on. Please click here to access from the Diocese in Europe website.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June outing for the Wanderers

Saturday, 12 June is the next date for the Wanderers.
Route: Appelbütteler Weg to Waldfrieden in the Harburge Berge - approx. 10 kms.
Meet at the exit from Harburg S-Bahn station at 10.55 - see Wanderers page under Activities for further information.

Good opportunity for fresh air and exercise in good company!