Sunday, January 30, 2011

St Ansgar Vespers 3 February Hauptkirche St. Petri 19:00

The annual St. Ansgar Vespers is an ecumenical service for all denominations in Hamburg to be held in the Hauptkirche St. Petri.
Erzpriester Constantin Miron, Greek-Orthodox Church will preach. Works from von Lechner, from the Russian-Orthodox tradition as well as Gregorian chants will be sung.
Further information is given on the St Petri Church website. Do come along.

Monday, January 24, 2011

This is God calling

People who do not profess to hold a religious faith are often baffled by the idea of 'God calling each individual personally'. Equally they are disappointed if someone who professes to being a Christian does not tell of a dramatic 'Road to Damascus' conversion.
Bishop David explored the nature of God calling us in his sermon 'God calls us by name' preached at St Paul's Anglican Church, Monaco appropriately on the annual Patronal Festival, the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul. His sermon was recorded as a podcast accessible on the St Paul's Monaco website. Highly recommended listening.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Parish Profile

To initiate the process for finding a successor to Roger White as Chaplain, a Parish Profile has been prepared carefully and conscientiously by a small team who have consulted widely in the church. This has now been posted on this website - see note above.

The Parish Profile has been welcomed by Archdeacon Jonathan who has commended it as a very good piece of work.
We hope that it gives a fair and honest reflection of where we are, and where we feel we need to develop and that it is helpful to anyone who feels called to ministry here.

Thanks are due to Karen and her team for all the hard work and effort that has gine into this extremely important document.


Locum Chaplains during the vacancy period

During the Vacancy Period STB is fortunate to have a series of very distinguished and experienced Locum Chaplains. The Locum Chaplains fulfil the full role of Chaplain while serving here and are therefore available for pastoral matters. Chaplaincy Office contact details are available on the Contact Page under 'About Us'.

From Monday 24 January Locum Chaplain can be contacted on Mobile Telephone number 01578-9207899.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Wanderers Walk 15 Jan CANCELLED!!!

Now the motto of our Wanderers is that 'We walk in all weathers', but rumour has it that rain has put people off. This is not Queensland folks!

We are expecting a better turnout for 12 Feb. As the Scots would say, there is no such thing as bad weather only poor clothing. Buy some wellies and a raincoat for goodness sake!


Welcoming Revd Tony Rutherford

This Sunday's service will be taken by our first locum priest. We extend a warm welcome to Tony Rutherford and his wife Janet and wish them an enjoyable stay with us in Hamburg for the coming month.
Tony has kindly provided some biographical details which can be found in the current edition of Becket News.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Eurobishop Blog - Roger and Heidi in African dress

There is a note of appreciation for Roger's ministry and a rather splendid photo of Roger and Heidi on Bishop David's Blog.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Launch of revamped CoE website!

Regular visitors to the Church of England's website may have noticed that it has been give a new look.

Wanderers setting off in the New Year

The Wanderers will have their first outing in 2011 on Saturday 15th January for a stroll round the Stadtpark. Wrap up warm and join the happy band - good opportunity to work off some calories!

Meet at the exit of U3 Borgfeld U-Bahn station at 11:00 am. Please let Cicely know if you are coming (contact details on Wanderers page).

Happy New Year!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Remembering our Coptic brothers and sisters

Following the recent violence shown towards Coptic Christians in Egypt, Bishop David invites us to remember our Coptic brothers and sisters in the intercessions this Sunday. See Eurobishop Blog.

We think today too of the people of Sudan, particularly in Southern Sudan who are voting in a referendum to decide on whether to become an independent state.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


2011 sees the celebration of what is considered one of the greatest works in the English language, and as someone put possibly the only time a committee has produce something of lasting value. In 1611 what has become known as the King James Bible, or Authorised Bible, was published.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, in his New Year address suggests reading the King James Bible to appreciate the 'bigger picture'.

There are many events planned for this 400th anniversary. These can be found together with more background information on The King James Bible Trust Website.
