Sunday, June 26, 2011

Choral Workshop of English Church Music

Following the success of the workshop to perform Stainer's Crucifixion, our choir masters are providing another opportunity to learn more English Choral Music.
On 3rd-4th September a choral workshop will be held in Aumühle.

Please click here for further information.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday 26th June - motorbikes ahead!

MOGO: Hamburg celebrates the Harley Days next week, complete with a motorcycle church service on Sunday, 26th June, from 12:30 - 13:30 h at the Michaelis church. Be aware that driving to and from our church will be difficult next Sunday!

But there will be a service as usual, the Revd John Knott is back to take the service.

This week!

June 20th at 6:00pm there is a Chaplaincy Council Meeting. The Chaplaincy Council are doing a magnificent job in keeping things going during the vacancy period.

On Tuesday 21 June there is a choir practice at 6:30 pm. Newcomers are very welcome.

Please note deadline for Becket News is 25th June. Get your articles in - give the editor something to edit!


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Junior Church picnic 19 June

The Junior Church invites everyone in the congregation to the Church picnic on Sunday, 19 June, after the service. There will be a Service of the Word with participation of the Junior Church at 10:30 h on 19 June and prizes for the children of the Junior Church. This will be the last Junior Church meeting before the summer holidays.

Please do come along - it will be a lot of fun!

Deadline for Becket News 25 June

The deadline for contributions to the next issue of our church magazine is Friday, 25th June. Please send your articles and/or pictures to John Finn at BecketNews(at) As John is travelling, we get an extra week since original deadline was 17 June. So get writing!

Wanderers off to Glückstadt

The Wanderers will be wandering from Krempe to Glückstadt via Borsfleth and the Deich on Saturday, 18 June, 2011. Length approx. 12 kms.

Meet in front of the Reisezentrum at Hamburg-Altona Fernbahn station at 10.15 am to catch the 10.37 train. As usual we shall travel on Schleswig-Holstein tickets and divide the cost equally. Return by train from Glückstadt to Hamburg. Trains dep at 39 and 50 mins past each hour.
Please wear suitable clothes and footwear and bring a picnic lunch. Eileen knows a good place for Kaffee u. Kuchen.

IMPORTANT Please let Cicely tel: 040/ 86 07 90 or 0162 635 93 98 know by the evening of Friday,17th, if you plan to come.