On 3rd-4th September a choral workshop will be held in Aumühle.
Please click here for further information.
Please click here for further information.
But there will be a service as usual, the Revd John Knott is back to take the service.
On Tuesday 21 June there is a choir practice at 6:30 pm. Newcomers are very welcome.
Please note deadline for Becket News is 25th June. Get your articles in - give the editor something to edit!
.Meet in front of the Reisezentrum at Hamburg-Altona Fernbahn station at 10.15 am to catch the 10.37 train. As usual we shall travel on Schleswig-Holstein tickets and divide the cost equally. Return by train from Glückstadt to Hamburg. Trains dep at 39 and 50 mins past each hour.
Please wear suitable clothes and footwear and bring a picnic lunch. Eileen knows a good place for Kaffee u. Kuchen.
IMPORTANT Please let Cicely tel: 040/ 86 07 90 or 0162 635 93 98 know by the evening of Friday,17th, if you plan to come.