Sunday, December 30, 2012

Join the human race this Christmas!

This was the theme of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Wllliams, last Christmas sermon as Archbishop. You can read all about it here.

The Archbishop has been made a Peer of the United Kingdom by HM The Queen upon his retirement from the See of Canterbury.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Services for Christmas

Monday 24 December Christmas Eve
16:00 Family Christms Eve Service (Service for children)
23:30 Candlelit Mass to ring in Christmas with Holy Communion.

Tuesday 25 December Christmas Day
10:30 Christmas Day Eucharist with English Carols

Flyer for Christmas here

We extend a special welcome to those visiting Hamburg at this time.

Happy Christmas!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Carol Service and Junior Church Nativity

Please note that this year there will be a separate service of Nine Lessons and Carols at 17:00 Saturday, 15 September.

The Junior Church Nativity will be performed as part of the Sunday Eucharist for the third Sunday in Advent at 10:30.

Everyone is most welcome at both these services.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Wanderers joining instructions for 8 Dec

Wanderers please meet outside the Hauptbahnhof Reisezentrum at 10.20 to catch the 10.50 Metro train to Lüneburg arriving at 11.22.

Please let Cicely know by Friday midday at the latest, if you are coming.

Snow is forecast for Saturday which will add to the Advent atmosphere, but do come warmly clad and with suitable footwear. No picnic lunch this time, as there will be plenty of stalls at the Weihnachtsmarkt selling tempting snacks. However, a warm drink (or a tot of something stronger?!)would be a good idea to cheer us on the walk.

Trains back to Hamburg run hourly at 28 mins past each hour.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Come Nations Sing!

Come and join the Advent singing in St. Petri Kirche 19:30 Thursday 6 December with Churches Together (ACKH). STB's Choir will be singing too!

Click here for the Flyer

A stable to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas

So the Christmas Markets are upon us again. This is a great time of year to meet up with friends for glühwein and chat.

It is also a time when the city is pretty full and you may desire to escape the crowds and find a space for a bit of peace and quiet.

We offer just such a space in STB church. A team of enthusiatic carpenters and model builders have built a real life sized stable where we invite you to enter and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, inspired by this month's Pause for Thought.

Church of England Advent podcasts

We are now in the season of Advent. Advent marks the start of the Church calendar and traces the preparation of God's people for the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

To mark this season, the Church of England offers a series of daily reflections available as a podcast which can be accessed here.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Attention Wanderers - dates

Wanderers and would be Wanderers are asked to note the following:

Saturday, 8 December We shall take the train to Lüneburg to have a walk around the town and enjoy the Weilnachtsmarkt.

Saturday, 12 January New Year's walk and annual lunch. Route and restaurant to be decided. (Suggestions welcome.)

Please note that in 2013 walks will take place on second Saturday each month.