Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Cicely Hollingsworth's funeral

The funeral service for Cicely Hollingsworth, who died on 20 December, will be held on Wednesday, 14 January 2015 at 3pm at St Thomas Becket Anglican Church.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Happy Christmas!

Almighty God, you have given us your only-begotten Son to take our nature upon him and as at this time to be born of a pure virgin: grant that we, who have been born again and made your children by adoption and grace, may daily be renewed by your Holy Spirit; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen
Collect for Christmas

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Christmas flier with Chaplain's message.

"At Christmas, when we speak of peace and goodwill, how should we respond to the many atrocities, acts of violence and hardships that we hear about throughout the world? What can we do to make a difference? I think the first, and perhaps the most powerful, is prayer," writes Father Matthew in his Christmas message. You can find the whole message along with a list of Christmas services at St Thomas Becket and Bishop Robert's Christmas message in the Christmas Flier.

Friday, December 19, 2014

CofE weekly podcast with Libby Lane

This week's Church of England podcast features an interview with Libby Lane, who is to be the first woman bishop in the Church of England, on her reaction to the news, dissenting views, her hopes and the challenges ahead. You can find the podcast on the CofE website front page or follow this link.

Dramatised Gospel and Peace Light of Bethlehem

This Sunday's Family Service with Holy Communion at 10.30 will include a dramatised Gospel with assistance from Junior Church. Also, the flame of the Peace Light of Bethlehem will be brought to us from the Church of the Nativity. If you want to share the light and take it home, please bring some way of carrying it (a lantern, for example). Members of the Scout and Guide Movement distribute the light, brought from Bethlehem to Austria, throughout 30 European countries and beyond. You can read more about the Peace Light here in English and in German.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

First woman bishop announced

Revd Libby Lane is to be the new Bishop of Stockport, and the first woman bishop in the Church of England. She is currently Vicar of St Peter's, Hale, and St Elizabeth's, Ashley in Cheshire. She will be consecrated as Bishop of Stockport on 26 January 2015 at York Minster and will serve as a suffragan bishop in the Diocese of Chester. Follow the links to the announcement on the Church of England website and a background story on the BBC website.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Bishop Robert's Christmas Message

This Christmas "we need to feel again the shocking reality of God becoming incarnate in conditions of extreme vulnerability and deprivation," Bishop Robert reminds us in his Christmas Message, and says this reality carries responsibilities for us. You can read the whole of Bishop Robert's Christmas Message or listen to it as an audio file on the Diocese in Europe website.

Christmas Services at the Anglican Church

You don't have to be an Anglican to come to church at St Thomas Becket. We welcome everyone. On Christmas Eve we will have a Children’s Christmas Service at 4 pm and Midnight Mass at 11.30 pm. There will be services of Holy Communion at 10.30 am on Christmas Day and New Year's Day in addition to our usual Sunday Services. You can find details of Christmas Services by clicking on the link on the right of this page and of all other services on the services page.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Please support the Bishop's appeal

Bishop Robert's Advent Appeal is raising funds for the Sant’Egidio project in Italy which offers emergency help to migrants who land off the Sicilian coast, raises awareness of their rights as asylum seekers and eventually assists their integration into Italian society. It focuses particularly on young people and children. Full details are available on the Diocese in Europe website. Please give as generously as you can. Donations can be made in church and will be collected and sent to the Diocesan Office.

Wandering from Aumühle after all

The next walk with Church Wanderers this Saturday, 13 December, will start at Aumühle after all. Please meet at Ausmühle S-Bahnhof at 11:36. (From Hamburg Hbf you need to take the S21 to Aumühle at 11:04.) The walk through pretty country, woods and along the Bille river to Reinbek will take no more than two hours, so there'll be plenty of time to get back for the the Carol Service! Please let Nicki Schiller know if you are coming by 10pm on Thursday, 11 December - nicki.schiller [at]

Monday, December 8, 2014

What does it mean to be small?

Is bigger always better? Is being small being a failure? What does it mean to be a small church community? On five evenings in January and February we are going to "visit Bethany", the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus, the siblings who welcomed Jesus in a simple way. For more information about the Small church Reflection Meetings, please download the PDF.

Carol Service this Saturday, 13 December

Our service of nine lessons and carols is on Saturday 13 December at 6pm, followed by refreshments. Please come to this very popular service and bring your friends.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Carols and hot chocolate on 5 December

Because we can't sing ALL the carols and songs at our traditional carol service, Mothers' Union is inviting us again for sing-along Christmas carols on Friday 5 December at 6pm. As if that weren't enough to give you a lovely warm feeling, there'll be hot chocolate on offer, too. Admission is free, but donations to church funds are welcome.