Monday, February 23, 2015
Chaplaincy Council statement on Fr Matthew's resignation
On Sunday, 22 February, a statement was made on behalf of the Chaplaincy Council on Fr Matthew's resignation and the process of selecting a new chaplain. You can read it here.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Revd Matthew Jones to return to Australia
Today Fr Matthew announced to the congregation that Bishop David has accepted his resignation as Chaplain in Hamburg, and that he will be leaving Hamburg and returning to Australia to take up the position as Rector of the parish of Ballina, within the Diocese of Grafton. His last Sunday in Hamburg will be 28 June, 2015. You can read Fr Matthew's statement to the congregation here.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Music hall sing-along with the Victorian Minstrels
Yes, that's right, tomorrow - Saturday 21 February at 7.30pm - is the music hall sing-along evening with the Victorian Minstrels. The event's in aid of the church, so do come along and help swell the numbers. Entrance is free but donations are welcome. See more on Facebook.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Meeting point for Hahnheide walk
The meeting point for the Church Wanderers' exploration of the Hahnheide on 14 February is the Großenseer Straße bus stop in Trittau at 11:10. Those coming by public transport can catch the U2 to Steinfurter Allee (direction Mümmelmannsberg) at 9:54 am at Hauptbahnhof, arriving 10:10 am at Steinfurter Allee. Then catch bus 133 to Trittau at 10:23 am. Those coming from the north-east can use bus 369 from Ahrensburg / Großhansdorf or 364 from Rahlstedt. Please let Anke Peters know if you are coming by Thursday, 12 Feb - just_det [at]
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Don't miss choral evensong
On Sunday at 5pm our own Anglican Consort will be singing choral evensong with a Candlesmas theme. Music includes O nata lux by Tallis, canticles from the Short Service by Gibbons and Lord now lettest thou by Mendelssohn. See more on the STB Facebook page.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Wanderers head for the Hahnheide
The next Church Wanderers walk, on 14 February will be through the Hahnheide, beginning and ending in Trittau. Further details to follow.
Out now: Becket News
The latest edition of our parish magazine, Becket News, is out. You can pick up a printed copy in church or download a PDF here.
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