Samstag, 12. September Schöpfungstag in der Ökumenischen Kapelle in der HafenCity
Following an initiative from the Orthodox Church, "Brücke - Ökumenisches Forum HafenCity" and 'Churches Together', ACK Hamburg are joining together to host an event to promote reflection on how we are looking after God's Creation, (or not as it happens). From 14:00 around the Ökumenischen Kapelle in the HafenCity there will be an opportunity to discuss enivironmental issues and initiatives relating to climate change. At 15:00 Bischöfin Maria Jepsen, Domkapitular Hermann Haneklaus, Erzpriester Georgios Manos among others will offer prayers for Creation Day and there will be further opportunity for discussion and meeting.For further information, click here