There was an exceptionally good turnout for the
AGM held after a shorter Eucharist on Sunday 18 April. Reports were given on the various activities and groups. The electoral roll has a small increase, we look forward to getting back to triple figures.
Two Church Wardens, Deborah Ockert and Renu Roy, were elected unopposed. Eight people stood for the
six Church Council positions: Peter, Karen, Stuart, Birte, Matilda, and Emmanuel were duly elected. Thanks are due to the others for standing, it is encouraging to see people coming forward to serve the church.
With the emergence of new blood, old stalwarts are taking the opportunity to take more of a backseat role. A particular thanks goes to Ellen for her friendly, loyal, and patient service as Church Warden for 20 years!
We wish the new team and all those who give their time and service to enable the church to function as a community, and not just on Sunday mornings, all the best for the coming year of office. It will be a challenging time for all, but one which can be mastered through working togther.