Sunday, May 23, 2010

Diocesan Synod 24-28th May in Cologne

The 70+ members of the Diocesan Synod, a third of whom are new, will be meeting this week in Cologne to discuss affairs of the churches that make up the Diocese in Europe. Topics to be covered include discussion of a report of a communications audit which has examined the present vehicles for diocesan communication (a subject close to the heart of this webmaster); a proposal for resourcing a new leadership structure; a presentation of the work of the Ministry Team and not forgetting the Annual Meeting of the Diocesan Board of Finance. These are important topics and we shall think of the delegates during this week.

Further details are available on the Eurobishop blog and there is a 3 min interview podcast with the Diocesan Secretary, Mr Adrian Mumford, about this year's synod.