BRIDFAS (The British Decorative and Fine Arts Society of Hamburg e.V.) welcomes guests to a lecture by Jon Cannon on English medieval cathedrals on Thursday, 20 February.
Entitled "A Thousand Years of History: Medieval Cathedrals", the lecture uses the English cathedrals as "time machines" to the medieval period, tracing their story from the revolutionary birth of English Christianity in about 600AD, through the great rebuilding that followed the Conquest of 1066, to the decades around a century later when gothic was invented in an atmosphere of febrile change and political tension. See full details on the BRIDFAS website.
Venue is the DESY Hörsaal (Notkestrasse 85, 22607 Hamburg). Doors open at 7.30pm and the lecture begins at 8pm. Guests pay an entrance fee of €12 (students €5).
BRIDFAS is planning to start a Church Record for our church. This will be a joint project with volunteers from within the church community and members of BRIDFAS. If you're interested in getting involved, you can find out more by clicking on the logo on the right of the page or following this link.