Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Huge trees and river views
The Wanderers' October walk is on Saturday 10th - yes, this coming Saturday! This is the walk from Tesperhude to Lauenburg which we enjoyed in spring two years back. It’s a lovely walk whatever the season, about 9 km on good paths with huge trees, river views and even little beaches closer to Lauenburg. So do put on your walking shoes, grab a couple of sandwiches for a picnic lunch and join in. Because of weekend work on the S21 railway line, travel will have to be by bus, leaving ZOB on the number 31 bus at 08:51. Please let Nicki Schiller know by Friday evening if you plan to come. She can give you further travel details (Landline 04104 695537; mobile 0176 30393063 or Nicki.Schiller (at) gmx.de.).