Monday, December 27, 2010

Diocese in Europe Prayer Diary Jan-June 2011

The Prayer Calendar for the Diocese in Europe has been compiled to help us to pray together for one another and for our common concerns. Each chaplaincy, with the communities it serves, is remembered in prayer once a year. The diary can be downloaded from the Diocese in Europe website.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

On the feast of Stephen

On Sunday 26 December BBC Radio 4 will broadcast a special service from St Clement's, our Diocese in Europe sister church in Prague.

St Stephen, whose feast is celebrated on the day after Christmas Day, gets a mention in the old Christmas carol, "Good King Wenceslas looked out, on the Feast of Stephen". St Clement's is not far from Wenceslas Square.

To hear the service tune in to BBC Radio 4 at 9:10 ECT or listen to it on the BBC iPlayer.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

God keeps his promises

In his Christmas sermon, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, focuses on how the birth of Jesus is but one stage of the fulfilment of God's unchanging promise of support in the struggle for human redemption, how 'the story of Jesus is the story of a God who keeps promises'.

The full text of the sermon can be read on the Archbishop's website.

The Queen's Christmas message opens with a reference to the importance of the King James Bible which is celebrating 400 years in 2011. The Queen's message is available on YouTube.

The ultimate question for Christmas: Who is Christ?

Bishop David's Eurobishop Blog entry for Christmas poses that question, and gives some enlightenment. Read here.

Click here for the Bishop Geoffrey's Christmas Letter.

The Pope's Christmas Eve Thought for Today

Listners to BBC Radio 4's Today Programme will be aware that there is a regular slot at 8:45 ECT called Thought for Today.
Some excitement has been generated in the fact that this year's Thought for Today on Christmas Eve was recorded by Pope Bendict a couple of days ago. To access the means to read or listen to his message click here.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Services over Christmas

Service times over Christmas are:

Friday 24th December - Christmas Eve
18.00 First Mass of Christmas (please note earlier time!)
Saturday 25th December - Christmas Day
10.30 Christmas Eucharist
Sunday 26th December 1st after Christmas
10.30 The Parish Eucharist

For printed information click here.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Becket News in time for Christmas!

The January-March 2011 edition of Becket News has been pulled together extra early this year thanks as ever to the dedication of the editor.
Pick up your hardcopy after one of the services over Christmas, or take a look at the online version here.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Come All Nations Sing!

Thursday 9th December at 19:00 in the Hauptkirche St. Petri Mönckebergstaße Hamburg Churches Together (ACK) invite us to join the annual Advent Singing Festival that brings together people and music of many nationalities in Hamburg. Do join if you you can.

We give thanks for the work of ACK and its leader Pastorin Martina Severin-Kaiser.

The Advent course continues Wednesday 8th December 19:00 and concludes 16th December.

Becket News Deadline approaching

This year the editor wants to publish Becket News before Christmas!
Please send in your articles as soon as possible, and not later than 15th December. Thanks.

Carol Service 19 December 10:30 am

The Carol Service with the not-to-be-missed Junior Church Nativity Play (still recruiting extra sheep - grown ups may apply) will be held Sunday 19th December at 10:30 am.

For this there is Choir Practice on Tuesdays 7th and 14th December.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Young Adults Christmas Social

Friday, 10th December the Young Adults invite other members of the congregation to join them in visiting the Christmas Markets!
Meet outside the Rathaus at 18:15. Please contact Sally (see Young Adults page) if you intend to come.

Advent Lunch Saturday 11 December

A chance for a wander in the Weihnachtsmarkt in Stade!
The plan is to take the train to Stade depart HH Hbf at 10:07 arrive Stade 10:55, to then spend time wandering round the Weihnachtsmarkt and then have lunch in the Ratskeller.
Our Advent lunch is always fun, so do come along, but let Cicely know by Tuesday, 7th December so that she can reserve a table.

Bishop's Advent Appeal

This year's Bishop's Advent Appeal is to raise funds for two projects, one within the diocese, and one outside.

Inside the Diocese, the appeal is for funds to support the training of younger members of the The White Nile congregations in Oulu, Vaasa and Kokkola in Finland. The White Nile congregations are made up of refugees from the Sudan who have been given asylum in Finland under the auspices of the UN. The aim is to educate the younger generation so that when the time comes they can help rebuild their country.

Outside the Diocese, the appeal is for funds to help rebuild a school in Haiti which suffered that terrible earthquake at the beginning of this year.

For more information please visit Bishop David's blog.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sermon for 1st Sunday in Advent

The text of the sermon preached by the Revd Martin Evans, Chaplain of HMS Ark Royal, is available here

It is given in a shorter form as a Pause for Thought for Advent.

The Advent Course continues 2nd December 19:00 in church.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Victorian Christmas Market

Do visit the LCF stall at the Victorian Christmas Market being held in the Baseler Hof Säle, Esplanade 27th and 28th November.

Visit of HMS Ark Royal

HMS Ark Royal is paying a last visit to Hamburg before being decommissioned. The Chaplain and members of the ship's company will be joining us for the Advent Sunday Service. The Chaplain, the Revd Martin Evans will preach the sermon and the Revd Simon Holmes will lead the intercessions.

We look forward to welcoming them all

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Advent Course starting 25th November

Advent is a time for reflection and it is good to do so before Christmas kicks in! A course of study is being offered by the Chaplain on four Thursdays in Advent, commencing 25th November 7.00 p.m. in Church with a shorter Monthly Eucharist. No need to make all the sessions.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

ACK Service for Christians murdered in Bagdad

Saturday, 20th November at 16:30 (immediately after the Bazaar), the ACK in Hamburg invites you to a Service of Remembrance at the Klein Michael/St Angsar.

Click here for the Archbishop of Canterbury's message to Christians in Iraq.

Poems for Remembrance Sunday.

In his sermon for Remembrance Sunday, the Chaplain read some war poems including some written by soldiers and civilians about the war in Afghanistan. Here is a link to a website dedicated to War Poetry, including poems about the current conflict in Afghanistan.


Night on the cold plain,
invisible sands lift,
peripheral shadows stir,

space between light and dark
shrouding secrets;
old trades draped grey.

Here too poppies fall,
petals blown on broken ground,
seeds scattered on stone

and this bright bloom,
newly cropped,
leaves pale remains,

fresh lines cut;
the old sickle wind
sharp as yesterday.

John Hawkhead 2009

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Podcast for Remembrance Sunday

As churches around Europe prepare to mark the season of Remembrance, culminating in many special services on Sunday 14th November, the Diocese in Europe website has posted an interview with an army chaplain about his pastoral work and mission on duty in Afghanistan.

Padre William Lister speaks about working with service personnel under fire, ministering to the dying and giving comfort and guidance to people making tough decisions under pressure.
He asks for prayers for himself and fellow chaplains working “on the front line”.

The interview with the Diocese Communications Officer, Paul Needle, can be heard here.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

This week 7th-13th November

Tuesday 9th November 18:30-20:00 Choir Practice - getting ready for the carol season!
Thursday 11th November is Armistice Day.
Saturday 13th November Church Wanderers outing to Schwerin - see note below and on Wanderers page under activities.

Please note next Sunday is Remembrance Sunday. There is a said Eucharist at 8:30 a.m. followed by Remembrance Service at 10:30 and wreath laying at Ohlsdorf at 12:15.

This is a week in which the German Chaplaincies are remembered in the Diocese shared prayer cycle, including this one on Wednesday, 10th November.

October Newsletter from Diocese of Jerusalem

The October edition of the Newsletter from the Diocese of Jerusalem is available here. This edition covers an extensive list of visits including by 100 pilgrims from the Diocese of Oxford led by the Bishop of Oxford, Dr John Pritchard.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Launch of 'No Anglican Covenant' website

For those who track church politics a new website has been launched by a group from across the Anglican Communion opposed to the adoption of the Anglican Covenant. It gives a comprehensive overview of the background and why in the view of the supporters this is not an appropriate measure for the Anglican Communion.

The site has been launched on 3 November 2010, the 410th anniversary of the death of the Anglican theologian Richard Hooker, best known for his appeal to three authorities—scripture, reason, and tradition—often described as his “three-legged stool.”

The Anglican Covenant is very much on the agenda of the forthcoming General Synod commecing 23 November.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Warmest congratulations to Sally and Timo on the announcement of their engagement!

Advent Course commencing 25th November

A course of study is being offered by the Chaplain on four Thursdays in Advent, commencing 25th November 7.00 p.m. in Church. Please contact the Chaplain asap if you would like to join. No need to make all the sessions.

For some there is no retirement!

BBC Online 2 November highlights the inspirational contribution of an 81 year-old German nun Ruth Pfau who is taking care of flood victims in Pakistan, continuing a lifelong commitment to the poor of that country.

Please click here for the report.

Wanderers off to Schwerin

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern here we come - on Saturday 13th November the Wanderers will be off on a 10km walk around Schwerin.

Please meet at 10 a.m. Hamburg Main Station by the Travel Centre to organise group tickets for the 10:24 train.

The walk will commence in the Castle Grounds to the Fauler See, and along the lake where we have our picnic lunch (please bring one). In the afternoon there will be opportunities for shopping or sightseeing in the old city. On a previous visit we found a cosy bakery for coffee and cake in the Schelfstadt district, where the decor and service were in original DDR style.

Return on the 16.06 or 18.06 train (maybe in two groups) to arrive in Hamburg at 17.33 or 19.33 respectively.

Please contact Stuart (contact details on Wanderers page under Activities) if you plan to join.

Grace - we cannot earn it, count it or store it!

In The Times of 23 October Credo column, Bishop Geoffrey writes about the 'transforming love of God', in a piece that the Chaplain then used as part of his sermon on Sunday. As the text is behind the paywall of The Times, it is provided here for those who wish to read it, with kind permission of the Bishop.

The Hindu interview: Dialogue for me is recognition of the serious

During his recent visit to India, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, gave an extensive interview to 'The Hindu'. In it many topics are covered from issues to do with the state of the Anglican Communion, relations with the Roman Catholic Church, women bishops, justice, immigration and many other current issues.
The article is worth reading for a comprehensive summary of the Arhcbishop's views and can be read on his website here.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Coming up...

Sunday 7th November 10:30 Eucharist with baptism.

Sunday 14th November:
8:30 Eucharist (said)
10:30 Rememberance Service'
For your tomorrow, we gave our today.
Wreaths are laid at Ohlsdorf afterwards at 12:15.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Itching Ears!

Itching Ears was the title of Bishop Geoffrey's sermon at the Confirmation Eucharist 17th October. He has kindly provided a copy of the text for the website which can be accessed here.

God, the giver of life,
Whose Holy Spirit wells up within your Church:
By the Spirit’s gifts equip us to live the gospel of Christ
and make us eager to do your will
that we may share with the whole creation
the joys of eternal life;
through Jesus Christ your Soh our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen

The collect prayed at the Confirmation Service.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A trail of Thoughts...

This month's Pause for Thought has generated another contribution. Click here for a Response to "On transforming Unjust Structures" inspired by the the article in Becket News.

Any one else is welcome to send in their Thoughts!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Elections to General Synod

Bishop David reports on his Blog that Canon Ann Turner (Antwerp) and Mrs Madeleine Holmes (Aquitaine) have been elected to represent the Diocese in the House of Laity and the Revd Canon Ian Hutchinson Cervantes (Madrid) and the Revd Canon Debbie Flach (Lille) in the House of Clergy.

We thank them for their willingness to serve and offer our prayers of support for this challenging task.

The purpose of fasting.

The Archbishop of Canterbury is currently on a 16 day tour of India visitng congregations and development initiatives of the Church of North India, the Church of South India and the Mar Thoma Church.

In Kolkata he preached a sermon abput the Millennium Development Goals at St Paul's Cathedral - reported in the Guardian.

"Fasting is about more than going without food – it is connecting with reality and noticing the suffering of your neighbour" - food for thought!

A full text of the sermon and further reports about the trip can be found on the Archbishop's website.

Monday, October 11, 2010

News from the Diocese of Jersusalem

The autumn edition of the Newsletter from the Diocese of Jerusalem is available here.

This edition of the Newsletter reports on a number of medical initiatives including the New Anglican Cardio-Vascular Diabetes Clinic in Ramallah, West Bank and Educational Ministry in Jordan and Lebanon.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Service Flyer for October-November Posted

The "Services" flyer with a review of the Harvest Weekend has been posted on the 'Services' page.

And new 'Pause for Thought' for readers to consider has been added (by a different author than usual).

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Wandering Timmendorf - Travemünde 9 October

The Wanderers are venturing further afield Saturday 9 October with a walk into Timmendorf, along the promenade, over the cliffs (Brodtener Ufer) to Travemünde. Well-made paths, mainly flat, a few gentle inclines.

Please refer to 'Wanderers' page for further details.

Learning from each other - Harvest Weekend

Thank you everyone, who worked so hard for our Ghana Event and Harvest Festival on 2nd-3rd October.
The Church was decorated with Ghanan banners and cloths, African animals and birds, hens and village utensils. We enjoyed the singing and dancing in church to different rhythms and different beats. It was good to welcome visitors from other congrgations and to make contact with people who came in, not knowing quite what to expect. But everyone seemed to enjoy being caught up into the vitality and exuberance of the weekend.

It was a suitable cllimax to our Creation Month. We thanked God for the wonders of the world and tried to affirm our determination to respect this planet and its peoples. Give us, Lord, the energy, time and means to do what you want us to do!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


The Autumn 2010 Edition of Becket News is ready for printing, but can already be downloaded here. The download version is much more colourful in any case!

It includes reviews of the summer activities including the Church Outing, as well as details of events in the run up to Christmas and announcement of a very special birthday!
We hope that it is of interest to readers near and far!

Gute Lektüre

Monday, September 27, 2010

Clothes sale in aid of South Africaf

Aside from supporting our own mission charities - don't miss the Ghana Event 2nd October 15:00-18:00 - you can beforehand purchase secondhand clothes from 9.00 - 13.00 hrs same day in the Church Mariä- Himmelfahrt, Hamburg-Rahlstedt, Oldenfelder Str. 23 (train station Hamburg Rahlstedt). Good quality secondhand clothes for ladies and gents at give away prices from 1 Euro!
Please follow the signs. All the money earned will go to a Mission project of Pater Hillen in South-Africa.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Forthcoming dates to note

Monday 20th Sept. 18:00 - Archdeacon Jonathan LLoyd meets the Church Council.
Sunday 26th Sept. - Parish Eucharist with Baptism (3 children). Deadline for Becket News!

Harvest Festival Weekend 2nd-3rd October:

  • Ghana Event 2nd October 15:00-18:00 in aid of mission projects.
  • Harvest Festival Eucharist 3rd October 10:30 Harvest Gifts based on Bring and Buy.

Sunday 10th October 10:30 Eucharist with Baptism of two Confirmation Candidates.
Sunday 17th October 10:30 Bishop Geoffrey comes to Confirm our Candidates.

Wanderers off again 9 October

Early notification for the October walk to take place 9th October and will be an outing to Timmendorfer Strand. Not to be missed! Details under Wanderers.

Pope Benedict XVI's visit to the UK

Pope Benedict's state visit to the UK 16-19 Sept. seems to have gone rather well and certainly better than many critics may have wished. Much of the focus of what he had to say was on the role of faith in secular society - the bottom line being 'marginalise it at your peril'!

On Friday 17 Sept. the Pope joined the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, for a ecumenical Evening Prayer service and they prayed together at the Shrine of St Edward the Confessor in Westminster Abbey. (St Edward is a Saint in both churches, martyred before the reformation). The text of the Archbishop's address can be found here. The Archbishop then gave an interview with Vatican Radio about relations with the Roman Catholic Church which can be read and heard here.

The highlight of the visit was the Beatification of Cardinal John Newman. In his homily the Pope made reference that today is also the date chosen to commerate the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain and paid tribute to those who sacrificed their lives "to rid the world of an evil ideology." His homily and the other speeches from the visit can be read on the official Papal Visit Website.

The Bishop in Europe, Geoffrey Rowell, is something of an expert on John Newman and participated in the Radio 4 Sunday Programme which discussed the visit. The broadcast can be heard on the BBC iPlayer until 26th September.

Bishop David gives some reflections on the ecumenical aspects of the visit in his Eurobishop blog entries for 17th and 19th September.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Nacht der Kirchen 18 September

Oops... Your webmaster almost missed this note because this year St Thomas Becket Church is having a year off.

But otherwise 140 or so churches will be open between 19-24 hours. A wide range of activities is on offer. Full programme is available on the Nacht der Kirchen website.

Deadline for Autumn Edition of Becket News 26 Sept.

The deadline for articles for the autumn edition of Becket News is approaching fast. This deadline is a strict one, so please help the editor by sending contributions asap and not later than 26 September. Becket News has via the website, a worldwide readership. Many people who have had contact with the church in Hamburg appreciate the opportunity BN gives to keep in touch - and we welcome articles from near and far.

Please email to becketnews(at) Many thanks!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Autumn Edition of The European Anglican

St Thomas Becket Church is part of the Diocese in Europe, which actually takes a fairly extensive view of where Europe begins and ends! Four times a year the Diocese Communications team puts together a colourful and informative magazine 'The European Anglican' (TEA) to provide interesting perspectives from all corners of the Diocese. The Autumn Edition of TEA is available here, or as a hardcopy in church.

For almost daily updates on what is going on, do visit Bishop David's Eurobishop blog.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Harvest Bring and Buy

A reminder to those coming to church during September that we are collecting things for a Harvest Festival Bring and Buy sale. During September you can bring non-perishable goods and leave them in church marked with the price you paid. These will then be sold after the Harvest Eucharist 3 October.

On the day before, 2 October, there will be a special Ghana Event.

The proceeds from both events will go to the mission projects being supported.

Wanderers off again!

Following last month's great outing to Ratzeburg, this Saturday the Wanderers are walking closer to home - Wedel to Rissen (about 10 km)

Saturday, 11 September meeting at 11:00 am at exit to Wedel Station.

Please contact Cicely if you are coming. More info on "Wanderers" page under "Activities".

Monday, August 30, 2010

On the subject of Baptism

The Rt Revd Alan Wilson, Bishop of Buckingham, - known simply as Alan Wilson to Guardian Readers for whom he writes a regular column - has written some thoughts on the Book of Common Prayer and Baptism, that make cheerful if not thought provoking reading.

Click here to access.

This piece noted from the Eurobishop Blog.

Young Adults Meeting 10th September

The next Young Adults meeting will be on Friday 10th September - further details on location and time is given on Young Adults Page. Topic for disucssion - will be a surprise!
Young adults are welcome - church attendance not required!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

After the summer break ..

Well summer seems to be rather broke. But this should not deter ...

The weather perhaps puts other things on hold to read a new Pause for Thought for September.

Many things are happening this autumn. Dates to note are Creation Sunday 19th September and Harvest Weekend 2nd-3rd October with a special Ghanaian Event in support of the church's mission projects.

Don't miss the bus!

There are still places free on the bus for the Church Outing on Saturday 4th September. This promises to be a great day out, good company, interesting weather (well interesting to see what it will be!), and a very economical way to see Töning and St Peter Ording - all for 15 Euros!

Good way to get to know people who regularly and occasionally come to church! Newcomers welcome too.

Click here for the flyer.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

This week 15th-21st August

Friday 20th August Junior Church Staff Meeting.
Saturday 21st August Confirmation classes resume.

REMINDER - Church Outing Saturday 4th September!
Visit to Tönning and St Peter Ording. An opportunity for friends and relatives to join regulars for a fun day. 260 km round trip for just 15 Euros - do join the party! Notification to Emmanuel in church or contact the churchwardens or Chaplain.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Eucharist with Baptisms and Shared Lunch 1 August

Sunday 1st August we have baptisms and so this is a suitable time for a chance to mingle over a shared lunch.

The Monthly Eucharist will take place Thursday 29th July at 19.00 at Schulterblatt 14 - please tell Rosie Curran (4390281) if you are coming!

And don't forget the church outing 4th September


Archbishop of Canterbury's keynote speech to the Lutheran World Federation Assembly

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, was the invited keynote speaker at the LWF Assembly being held in Stuttgart until 27 July. His talk was on the theme of the conference "Give us today our daily bread".

Dr Williams noted that “Give Us Today Our Daily Bread” is “a prayer than inevitably looks beyond the present moment and the settling of immediate needs … It is as if in order to live in peace and hope today, we have to ask for that foretaste or ‘advance payment’ of God’s future.”
"The bread that is shared among Christians is not only material resource, but the recognition of dignity...and to recognise human dignity in one another is indeed to share the truth of what humanity is in the eyes of God. We feed each other by honouring the truth of the divine image in each other."

The report from LWF is available here.
The full text can be read on the Archbishop's website.
There is also a note and comment on the Europbishop blog

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Where is God?

On Trinity 7 Sunday the Chaplain included in his sermon a couple of poems by the Swiss theologian Jörg Zink. The poem "Where is God" provides the new Pause for Thought. Something to ponder on in the summer holiday season!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lutherans gather in Stuttgart

Every 6-7 years the world's Lutheran churches gather under the umbrella of the Lutheran World Federation and this time from 20-27 July in Stuttgart. Under the motto 'Give us our daily bread' the conference challenges those participating (and us all) to consider what we should be doing about injustice in the world.

The Anglican Communion is represented by among others Bishop David Hamid as noted in his blog entry for 20th July.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams will address the conferance on 22 July.

We wish the conference delegates a good conference.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Acts435 - making giving easy

Aside from all the attention on other high profile matters at the General Synod last week, a significantly innovative idea for internet supported giving was launched by the Archbiship of York, Dr John Sentamu, who says:
Acts435 is a fantastic initiative which puts people who are in need in touch with those that can help. It is a very simple idea but a very exciting one! I am proud that the Church is taking practical steps to help those facing practical difficulties."

This website demonstrates in a very positive way how the internet can be used to connect people.

Women in the Episcopate - some responses from Bishops

The Church Mouse Blog - a reliable, enlightening and witty source of commentary on church matters - provides a list and links to pastoral letters sent by a number of bishops on the result of the General Synod debate on Women Bishops.
The letters reflect a range of opinions.

MIssion Projects - correction

Please note the following correction to the information in the printed version of Becket News and News item below "New Mission Projects":

The two USPG-Anglicans in World Mission projects which the Chaplaincy Council decided the church will support during the next two years are as follows:-

The Women's centre in South India was considered, but it was decided to make the choice in line with USPG's new strategy of highlighting basic health care and clergy education. These priorities come from the partner Anglican churches in Africa and Asia. There is an acute shortage of priests in Bangladesh, for example.

Apologies for the error in reporting. The mistake has been corrected in the Becket News linked to this site

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Women in the Episcopate - Decision time in the Church of England Synod

The General Synod of the Church of England is currently in session in York, and tackling that issue that seems still to provide much stuff for debate, under what terms women can become bishops.

The decision to admit women as Bishops had already been taken in principle two years ago. The debate at this Synod evolves on how to provide for those who somehow cannot accept this. The Synod has today, to the disappointment of some, decided against formal legislative means to provide a two tier system for those that can or cannot accept women bishops.

Some may think this is long overdue, and not quite understand what the debate is about, but recommended listening is the audiosession of the debate. The contributions both for and against the motions were well argued.

Young Adults Meeting 16th July

Undeterred by the heat, the Young Adults will be meeting at 8:00 pm this Friday 16th July. Topic of discussion 'Total Forgiveness'.
Please refer to Young Adults Page under Activities for contact information.

Advance notice is given of the summer social barbecue on Saturday, 28th August. Details to follow.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


The July-September 2010 issue Becket News is available as hardcopy in Church from this Sunday, 11th July. You can already get you hands on a copy from this website by clicking here.

This 20 page Meisterwerk contains a variety of articles and more photos than ever.

For our many website readers living afar, we hope that Becket News provides a good overview of the life of the Church to let you keep in touch.

Our thanks once again to the editor for putting this together. Never an easy task!

Gute Lektüre!

Full text of Book of Common Prayer available online

The Church of England's website announces that the full text of the Book of Common Prayer is now available online.

Qutoing from the press release
'The 1662 Book of Common Prayer is a permanent feature of the Church of England's worship. It is loved by many for the beauty of its language and its services are widely used. It is also the foundation of a tradition of common prayer and a key source of the Church of England's doctrine. The services which it contains - especially Morning and Evening Prayer and Holy Communion - are still used (with minor modifications or additions) in many churches.'

The text of Common Worship is also available online here.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Dates for your diary

Please reserve Saturday 4th September for the Church Outing. It would be great to have lots of people come along. Details to follow.

Also a reminder that Sunday 17th October Bishop Geoffrey will be paying us a visit and confirming our confirmation candidates who have just started their course of reflection and instruction.

Mustering the Wanderers for 10th July

The next Wanderers outing will be 10th July, meeting at Kornweg S-Bahn station at 10:50 to walk along the Alsterwanderweg, ending up at Poppenbüttel station.
Further details on the Wanderers page under 'Activities'. Please let Sarah know if you are coming.

Pleasse note Wanderers walk in all weathers - especially when the sun shines! Newcomers welcome to join the party

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Mission Projects

At the Chaplaincy Council meeting 21 June, two new USPG-Anglicans in World Mission Projects were chosen to be supported over the next couple of years.
These are We also will continue to support Africa-Action, with its essential medical care in Africa, led by German doctors. Their magazine is called Weiter Sehen!

Please support these activities with donations and fund raising where possible.

Monday, June 21, 2010

4th July!

4th July is not only Independence Day for our US friends, but also the date of a Service beginning with Favourite Hymns and a deadline for articles for Becket News. Don't miss either!

This Sunday - Junior Church Prize Giving

Sunday 27th June 10:30 Eucharist with Junior Church. Young and young-at-heart welcome to join Junior Church afterwards in the park for picnic if sunny, or in the School Tumhalle, if wet.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Young Adults Meeting Friday 18th June

A reminder that the Young Adults Group is meeting this Friday at 8:00 pm. Details of where to meet on Young Adults page under activities.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

What we can learn from South Africa

There is more going on in South Africa than just football!

Between matches, readers may like to consider the thoughts of the Archbishop of Cape Town on what the Anglican Communion can learn from the Apartheid era in tackling the divisive issue of human sexuality.
For the full article from the USPG website click here

USPG is one of the organisations St Thomas Becket Church supports as part of its Mission Activities.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Football and religion?

Well, only those who have cut themselves off from the world can have failed to notice that the World Cup is underway.
There are those who even suggest that football is the new religion of our age.

Many UK churches are putting the two together, as an article in this week's Church Times suggests!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Confirmation 2010 - first meeting 19th June

For those who wish to be confirmed this year, or those who simply wish to explore the idea, there is a first meeting in church on Saturday, 19th June 10:30-11:30..

Our Diocesan Bishop Geoffrey will confirm candidates 17th October during his visit to the Chaplaincy.

Deadline approaching for Becket News

The deadline for submissions for the summer edition of Becket News is 4th July. This is slightly later than previously announced so gives extra time to contribute something of substance. Do help the editor, however, by getting stuff in early. Thanks!

Online Diocesan Synod Digest

Complementing the Podcasts put up during the Diocese in Europe Synod held in Cologne recently, the Diocesan Communications Officer has produced a succinct yet informative digest of what went on. Please click here to access from the Diocese in Europe website.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June outing for the Wanderers

Saturday, 12 June is the next date for the Wanderers.
Route: Appelbütteler Weg to Waldfrieden in the Harburge Berge - approx. 10 kms.
Meet at the exit from Harburg S-Bahn station at 10.55 - see Wanderers page under Activities for further information.

Good opportunity for fresh air and exercise in good company!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sharing the experience of the Diocesan Synod

For those curious to know what gets discussed at the Diocesan in Europe synod, much is revealed in a series of three well put together podcasts available on the Diocese in Europe website.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Diocesan Synod 24-28th May in Cologne

The 70+ members of the Diocesan Synod, a third of whom are new, will be meeting this week in Cologne to discuss affairs of the churches that make up the Diocese in Europe. Topics to be covered include discussion of a report of a communications audit which has examined the present vehicles for diocesan communication (a subject close to the heart of this webmaster); a proposal for resourcing a new leadership structure; a presentation of the work of the Ministry Team and not forgetting the Annual Meeting of the Diocesan Board of Finance. These are important topics and we shall think of the delegates during this week.

Further details are available on the Eurobishop blog and there is a 3 min interview podcast with the Diocesan Secretary, Mr Adrian Mumford, about this year's synod.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Confirmation 2010 - Sunday 17th October

Sunday 17th October our Diocesan Bishop Geoffrey comes to visit us and to confirm candidates.

Young People from 11 years and older and Adults of any age, whether baptised or not (or perhaps baptised in another church community than Anglican?), please contact the Chaplain as soon as possible if you wish to join the confirmation classes, or even if you are just thinking about it.

First meeting Saturday 19th June at 10.30-11.30 in church. Meetings on Saturdays 10.30-12.00 (with a break for the summer Schulferien), or on Friday evenings, if preferred.

Pentecost Sunday 23 May

Pentecost - The Birthday of the Church is about celebrating our gifts, gifts given to us by God’s Spirit, to proclaim the Word and Works of him who has created, redeemed and now empowered us to become like Our Lord. This is about striving for two practical things: to be better at sharing one another’s burdens and to be better at ‘redressing the balance’ in prayer.

Please do join the Eucharist this Sunday at 10:30.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ascension Day 13 March

A Eucharist for Ascension Day will be held Thursday 13th May 10:30. You are very welcome.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

2nd Ecumenical Kirchentag

12-16th May sees the second Ökumenisher Kirchentag being held in Munich.

For further information Click here.

New Chaplaincy Council meets

The first meeting of the new Chaplaincy Council will be held Monday 10 May. We support them with our thoughts and prayers, and are most grateful for their service.

Happy Birthday EU

It is not only the Hafengeburtstag this weekend. 9th May is a birthday celebration for Europe - Europe Day. On this day 60 years ago Robert Schuman, the then French Foreign Secretary, issued his Declaration that Europe should work towards the ideal of the free movement of people and goods across borders. A absolutely visionary idea at the time given that large parts of Europe lay in rubble, but one which laid the foundation for the European Union that has permitted us all to enjoy peace across Europe and defeated totalitarian forms of government.

See the Eurobishop BLOG - link above for more.

Monday, May 3, 2010

A New Commandment

In case you missed Sunday's Eucharist, or would like to refresh you memory on what was preached, this week's Thought for Eatertide - ‘A New Commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you.' John 13.31-35 based on the sermon is available on the Pause for Thought page.

Readers are reminded that they may send comments on 'Thoughts' to the webmaster. Feedback is welcomed!

Calling all Wanderers!

Next walk is Saturday, 8 May Aumühle to Bergedorf via Reinbek - approx 11 km, but with chance to call it a day at 6,5 km.
Please see Walking on the Activities page for further details.

Please note this is a change from the notice in Church on Sunday.

UK General Election May 6th

On Thursday May 6th voters in the UK will finally have to make up their minds and decide who to vote for. Let us hope that significant numbers do so, and we offer our prayers that the right choices will be made.

Hafengeburtstag Service in the Michel Friday 7th May 13:00

Yes, it is the annual Hafengeburtstag again - a quaint Hamburg tradition of giving its port a birthday party. This is the 821st birthday Click here for the programme in English.

On Friday 7th May 1:00 pm the opening of the birthday party will be celebrated by a Service in the Main Church of St Michael's with singing by the Shanty-Chor "De Trampentrekker".

Auf Wiedersehen!

Today we said farewell to Ryan and Jane, now returning to the States after two years based in Kiel from where they have loyally attended STB's each Sunday and played an active role in many activities. We wish you every blessing for the future, and hope you will stay in touch (occasionally clicking on to this website, perhaps!).

Friday, April 30, 2010

Latest News from the Diocese of Jersusalem

The spring edition of the Newsletter from the Diocese of Jerusalem is available here.

The Newsletter contains stories of the varied and inspiring activities taking place in one of the world's most troubled regions. The lead article reports on a Music Night at St. Andrew’s Church with Strathclyde Universitiy Choir (which just for information is in a university partnership with Hamburg University of Technology).

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Activities this Week!

Tuesday 20th April Choir Practice at 18:30. Newcomers welcome as the choir does need strengthening.
Friday 23rd April Young Adults. Please refer to Young Adults page under 'Activities' for further details.

Date for your diary Saturday 12th June Favorite Hymns

We have a new Church Council!

There was an exceptionally good turnout for the AGM held after a shorter Eucharist on Sunday 18 April. Reports were given on the various activities and groups. The electoral roll has a small increase, we look forward to getting back to triple figures. Two Church Wardens, Deborah Ockert and Renu Roy, were elected unopposed. Eight people stood for the six Church Council positions: Peter, Karen, Stuart, Birte, Matilda, and Emmanuel were duly elected. Thanks are due to the others for standing, it is encouraging to see people coming forward to serve the church.

With the emergence of new blood, old stalwarts are taking the opportunity to take more of a backseat role. A particular thanks goes to Ellen for her friendly, loyal, and patient service as Church Warden for 20 years!

We wish the new team and all those who give their time and service to enable the church to function as a community, and not just on Sunday mornings, all the best for the coming year of office. It will be a challenging time for all, but one which can be mastered through working togther.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pause for a Thought!

'Pause for Thought' has seen weekly updates since Holy Week to give food for thought this Eastertide. Visit this page for the latest contribution!

Pause for Thought aims to provide a short thought-provoking, perhaps controversial, piece to challenge your thinking. You can respond by using the website address!

Monday, April 12, 2010

New Electoral Roll and AGM

The New Electoral Roll is available. Please check your entry. It will re-open for new applicants after the AGM.

Sunday 18th April the Annual General Meeting will be held at 11.45 am, after a shorter Eucharist.
Please make every effort to attend the meeting, to hear reports of the Church’s work, to vote for officers and to ask any questions you think important.

Thanks for Easter

Our thanks to all those who provided assistance for the Easter Service: to Ellen especially for the flowers, and to those who contributed; to Paul for his help in Holy Week and to Elizabeth, who provided all the coloured Easter Eggs.

If we missed you on Easter Day, may the presence of the Risen Christ bless your life this Eastertide.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Wanderers emerge from hibernation!

The snow has gone. Spring is in the air, so why not join the Wanderers for a stroll round Wedel?
Saturday 10th April meeting at the exit to Wedel S-Bahn at 11:20.
The route planned is along the dyke bordering the Elbe as far as the NABU Carl Zeiss Vogel Station and back along the cycle track to Wedel.
Please bring a picnic lunch. A café stop will be made for tea.
And please let Cicely know if you are coming - contact details under "Activities - Wanderers".

Ökumenischen Vesper am Ostermontag

To celebrate the fact that Easter falls on the same day for both the Eastern and Western Churches this year, a ecumenical service of Vespers (evening prayer service) will be held in the Hauptkirche of St. Michaelis on Easter Monday 5th April at 18:00. Readings will be given in many languages, including English.


We wish all readers of the website a very Happy Easter.

The Chaplain's Easter sermon 'You are your Body' is posted as the new Pause for Thought for Easter. (The Thought for Good Friday can still be read by scrolling down the Pause for Thought page.)

The Archbishop of Canterbury's Easter Sermon entitled 'Cross is a challenge to the world' considers contemporary attitudes to the meaning of the cross - an uncomfortable symbol for many.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Becket News in time for Easter!

The April-June 2010 issue Becket News is available as hardcopy in Church or here for downloading.

This issue contains the Chaplain's Annual Report, many 'Themes and Thoughts for 2010' plus important information about the AGM and election of members of the Church Council (for which nominations are open, and new blood is sought!).
For our many website readers living afar, we hope that Becket News provides a good overview of the life of the Church through the many articles reporting on the different activities. Thank you for your interest.

Our thanks once again to the editor for putting this together and in time for Easter!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Follow the drama of Holy Week and Easter as it unfolds

On Sunday 28th March Palm Sunday the Eucharist re-enacts the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on a donkey.

1st April Maundy Thursday commemorates Jesus washing his disciplines feet and then eating his Last Supper with them before he prepares to face betrayal, trial and death. The service is followed by a vigil - a quiet time to reflect on the meaning of it all.

The Good Friday service has no Communion. We try through the liturgy of the day to share the sense of loss and abandonment.

On Holy Saturday 3rd April prayers are offered on the Day of Waiting, and the church is prepared for
Easter Day , a celebration of a festival of light, an occasion to renew our Baptismal Vows and give thanks for Life!

Service times are to be found on the "Services" Page.
Further notes about the Services are available here.
Please read too the Pause for Thought for this Good Friday and Easter.

Welcome to our youthful pilgrims

Friday 26th March at around 20:30 St Thomas Becket Church is hosting the last station of a Ecumenical Young People's Pilgrimage which commences at St Petri Kirche at 18:00.

A warm welcome to all


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bishop Geoffrey's Easter Message

Bishop Geoffrey's Easter Message 2010 posted on the Diocese in Europe website can be accessed here.

Dates this week 22nd March

Monday 22nd March - Church Council meets.
Also Young Adults Meeting at Sally's starting 20:00.
Tuesday 23rd March 18:30 - Choir Practice in church.
Thursday 25th March - Monthly Eucharist (Feast of the Annunciation) - do come along!

Friday 26th March - about 200 young people are expect around 20:30. STB is honoured to have been chosen as that last station of a Ecumenical Young People's Pilgrimage (see News item below). Please do come along to make everyone feel welcome.

Spring Edition of The European Anglican available

The Spring 2010 Edition of the Diocese in Europe quarterly magazine "The European Anglican" is available in church or directly from the Diocesan website here.

The Magazine contains short articles about the various goings on in the Diocese in Europe: in this edition a report on the 150th Anniversary celebration of the Anglican Church in Riga and some post COP15 reflections among other things. It is a colourful and readable publication. Hard copies available in church.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Luke's Passion - Special Lent Course Saturday 20 March

As we approach the end of Lent, why not come along and ponder afresh on Luke 22.66-23.56 - Luke's account of the Passion? On Saturday 20th March 10:30-12:00 a Bible Study will be held in church. Do come along if you can, especially if you are in a questioning frame of mind; this is not just for those who believe it all!
For those who cannot make it, a flyer with notes and prayers to guide your reflection can be downloaded here.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Robin Hood Tax

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, and Richard Curtis, Co-Founder and Vice Chair of Comic Relief, and veteran of the Make Poverty History Campaign, have written an article that appeared in the Sunday Times supprting the campaign for a (small) tax on financial transactions to yield a fund which could be worth 300 billion euros. Known as the "Robin Hood Tax" the idea is that the money raised would be split three ways between domestic governments to avoid cuts in basic services, as direct aid assisting poorer countries to deal with the impact of climate change and to reduce their carbon emissions and to fight against global poverty.
Take a look at this You Tube video with Bill Nighy and Richard Curtis to at least give the idea some thought!

REMINDER! Becket News Deadline Approaching

The spring edition of Becket News needs your contributions! Please transfer good intentions and thoughts into written words and forward to or to the webmaster who will forward these. It would be much appreciated if contributions could arrive before 20th March, but failing that 24th March.
Please do contribute. The editor's job is to edit, not to write! Many thanks.

Next Meeting Young Adults Group

The Young Adults Group will be meeting Monday 22nd March at 20:00 (and not 19th March as previously announced). Details on Young Adults page under "Activities".
The discussion on dealing with enemies will continue...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mothering Sunday 14th March

Sunday 14th March Fourth of Lent is Mothering Sunday. There will be a special Children‘s Eucharist with Junior Church playing a prominent role. Fringe benefits include flowers for parents and a special cake. The service will be followed by a Shared Lunch.
Do come along, especially if you have children for this family friendly occasion.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ecumenical Young People's Pilgrimage

On Friday 26th March St Thomas Becket hosts the final station of a Ecumenical Young People's Pilgrimage. This exciting youth venture in Hamburg is a combined Catholic/Lutheran event which the organisers hope will attact well over 200 pilgrims.

Starting at the Petri-Kirche, Mönkebergstrasse at 18.00 the pilgrims will make reflective, song-filled and prayerful short stops at other city centre churches. We host the final station at about 20.30 in church. The worship will be ecumenical and engaging, with refreshments after, before the young pilgrims make their way home.

Please click here for the flyer 'Kreuzworte - Ökumenischer Kreuzweg der Jugend 2010'

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Christian Giving Sunday 7th March

Lent is a time of challenge and renewal. One of the challenges presented is to reflect on our giving to the church and to charity. The Church of England General Synod recommends a figure of 5% of disposable income for donations to the church. Increased giving to St Thomas Becket would mean than rather than have just about enough to keep the church running more could be used to support specific activities.
Please think too about the Mission projects the church tries to support. However hard up we think we are, there are many people a lot poorer than ourselves!

Please note St Thomas Becket does not receive any money from the Kirchensteuer and is entirely dependent on freewill donations!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Floods in Funchal

Bishop David's blog contains news from the Anglican church of Holy Trinity, Funchal on Madeira hit by devastating floods and mudslides. The situation has been declared a national disaster.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the people hit by this catastrophe as they start the hard task of clearing the devastation, and for those who have lost family and friends.

Electoral Roll

The Annual General Meeting on 18th April is under preparation. The Register of Electors for the AGM is now open for new applications. If you are a regular worshipper with us (even on a once a month basis) you are invited to make an application. Please take your part in the democratic process of electing Church Wardens and Council members on 18th April.

Lent Study Books

After an unexpected, but pleasing, run on the USPG booklet for Lent, a fresh supply has been obtained and copies are available in church or by contacting the Chaplain. "The Well is Deep" is a study of Jesus' meeting with the woman at the well in John chapter 4 in the light of the experience of Anglican Church experiences in Ghana.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

On the subject of denial

Some of us may be using the Lent season to practice some form of self-denial. It is perhaps just as important to think about those who are making a greater sacrifice on our behalf, and not just in Lent, as this recent Thought for the Day from BBC Radio 4's 'Today Programme' provided by Padre Mark Christian suggests.
Whatever we might think of the military presence itself, we have reason to be grateful for those prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Carnival time over folks - Lent begins

Lent as, the Archbishop of Canterbury suggests in his video message on Lent, provides an opportunity to "sweep and clean the room of our own minds and hearts so that the new life really may have room to come in and take over and transform us at Easter."

Further Thoughts to get you started are to be found on the Pause for Thought page.

Wishing readers of this website a reflective and fulfilling Lent season.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Thought for St Valentines Day

For those who are in love; for those who are blessed in giving and receiving from a partner, give thanks.
For those who are disappointed in love, or who have been rejected, remember.
For those who are unable to love or know the touch of a beloved, show sympathy.
For those who have left thoughts of personal love behind, for the depth of a wider service offered, show admiration.
rejoice that everyone has different gifts in the Spirit of Christ.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Winding up the carnival season!

Hamburg being a serious minded Hanseatic sort of place doesn't do carnivals in the run up to Lent, though there have been a few brave efforts - or as much as can be achieved on ice!

But Lent begins here too, with Ash Wednesday, 17th February. A Eucharist with Penitential Rite will be held at 19:00 at St Thomas Becket's.
A good way to start a period of reflection on what the journey to the Cross means.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Your chance to have your say!

The new Church Council and Church Wardens will be elected during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the 18th of April 2010. All those on the Electoral Roll are entitled to vote (see above), but all are welcome to attend. It is really important for the life of the church that as many people as possible support this event.

The AGM will take place directly after the Eucharist on 18th April. Please note the date and make the effort to be in church. The meeting itself will be short and will be followed by a shared lunch. A great social opportunity in other words!

If you are not on the Electoral Roll, and have questions about this please contact Birte. Other questions relating to the AGM can be addressed to the members of the Council. All are contactable via the (confidential) email on this website.

Even the Wanderers are defeated!

The freeze-thaw conditions in Hamburg is taking its toll. The winter scenic charm is wearing a bit thin: for most of us the concentration required to not slip and fall when walking along Hamburg's pavements is just too much. Oh for a thaw!
It has even defeated the Wanderers who walk in all weathers, but not on all surfaces. Given the icy conditions, the walk planned for 13 February has reluctantly been cancelled.

Next walk is 13th March. A volunteer is sought to arrange this. Hopefully by then the ice will have cleared!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

46. Ökumenische St. Ansgar-Vesper

The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christlicher Kirchen in Hamburg ACKH (Churches Together in Hamburg) invite all to a eucumenical service on the anniversary of the death of St Ansgar (3 Feb. 865) to be held in the Hauptkirche St Petri on Wednesday 3rd February at 19:00.
The service will combine the traditions of the West and Eastern Churches. There will be much music including singing by the Bach Choir of St. Petri, the Roman Catholic Schola Cantorum and the choir of the Russian Orthodox Church of St Johannes von Kronstatt. Bishop Gerhard Ulrich will preach.

Saint Ansgar was an Archbishop of Hamburg-Bremen. Through his "Mission to bring Christianity to the North", he became known as the "Apostle of the North".

For further information (in German) click here.

Monday, January 25, 2010

There are just under 12000 of us!

The Church of England has released the preliminary statistics for church attendance in 2008. From the table given it seems that the Diocese in Europe has 11,900 people of all ages attending Sunday services, with 10,700 on the Electoral Roll. This is up slightly from 2007, when the equivalent figures were 11,600 and 10,300 respectively.

On the subject of Electoral Roll, if you are a regular worshipper at St Thomas Becket, please do ensure you are on the Electoral Roll which will be open 14th February until 21st March. Being on the ER entails no onerous task other than being allowed to vote at the AGM. And it boosts the statistics!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bishops' Appeal for Haiti

Bishops Geoffrey and David invite the congregations and people of our diocese to support the needs of the Haitian people by donating generously to the Christian Aid Appeal for Haiti.
See article on the Eurobishop Blog.

New Archdeacon of Germany and Northern Europe, the Revd Jonathan LLoyd

Jonathan LLoyd, the Chaplain of St Alban's Copenhagen, was collated as Archdeacon of Germany and Northern Europe on 20 January. Further information available on Eurobishop Blog.
We wish 'the Venerable' Jonathan Lloyd all the best, our prayers and support.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Young Adults Kick-off 2010!

The first 2010 Young Adults Group meeting takes place Friday 22 January 20:00 (note new time) for a good solid discussion on dealing with enemies. Friends and enemies welcome! Please refer to Young Adults page under "Activities" button for further details.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Haiti Earthquake Appeal

Haiti - a country that is amongst the poorest in the Western hemisphere - has suffered yet another natural catastrophe. Aid is urgently required to assist the many affected by a major earthquake that struck the country 12 January. Thousands of people are feared dead and countless have been left homeless.
Christain Aid has launched an emergency appeal, the details of which you can find here.

Please also take a look at Bishop David's blog entry on Haiti. The link is on this page above.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Latest Edition of "The European Anglican" and Prayer Diary Available

The Winter 2009 Edition of the Diocese in Europe quarterly magazine "The European Anglican" is available in church or directly from the Diocesan website here.

The purpose of the magazine is to inform about the scope and depth of ministry and mission by the various churches that make up the Diocese in Europe. It is a colourful and readable publication.
This edition contains a backpage feature on websites!

The Diocesan Prayer Diary for January-June 2010 is also available from the Diocese in Europe website. Click here to access.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The New Year Edition of Becket News Available!

Issue 41 of Becket News with news from near and far is available for downloading here.
Our thanks to the editor for putting this together over the Christmas break!

The Archbishop of Canterbury's New Year Message

In his BBC New Year Message the Archbishop of Canterbury sets out that in this global society we now inhabit "risk and suffering are everybody's problem, the needs of our neighbours are the needs of the whole human family."
The full text and video of the message can be accessed here.

The Archbishop concludes his message expressing hope:
'Above all, it's about not losing our hope for change and our love and respect for the dignity of everyone. In a world where risk and suffering are everybody's problem, the needs of our neighbours are the needs of the whole human family. Let's respond just as we do when our immediate family is in need or trouble. We may be amazed by the difference we can make.

God help you make a difference; and God bless you all and those you love in this coming year.'