Reports were given on the various activities and groups. The electoral roll has rolled above the 100 mark - 17% increase on last year! The Church Wardens, Deborah Ockert and Renu Roy, were re-elected unopposed - given the amount of work that needs to be put in for the vacancy period it is wonderful that they have agreed to continue. The six Church Council positions were filled without opposition: Peter Alexander, Stuart Cooke, Matilda Hammond, Christopher Sacra, Emmanuel Saarkodie and Wendy Sprock. Karen Berquist-Lüth, Birte Fischer, Harriet Sasse were elected as lay delegates for the CAECG - one more than last year thanks to the expansion of the electoral roll.
We wish the new team and all those who give their time and service to enable the church to function as a community, and not just on Sunday mornings, all the best for the coming year of office.