During the Vacancy Period the church is being served by locum chaplains. Currently our locum is Canon Paul Rose. The next locum will be The Very Revd Dr John Arnold from May 22nd - 5th June. The locum chaplains provide the full ministry as chaplain and are available for pastoral matters.
Interviews for the position of Chaplain are due to take place 10th May - please pray for Renu and Stuart who are representing the Chaplaincy Council in this important decision. There has been a pleasing response to the advertisement with apparently many good candidates. This website has had just under 150 referrals from the job vacancy section of the Church of England website, that of the Church Times and Diocese in Europe. We seem to have given a good account of ourselves, thanks to the hard work of many people - not least the churchwardens who have had to shoulder a huge burden. Keep up the good work.