Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Autumn Edition of Becket News!

The Autumn Edition of Becket News with reports of the many activities that have taken place over the past months, and information about many forthcoming events is available as a PDF here.

Résumé of Diocesan Clergy Conference

142 out of the 150 clergy in the Diocese in Europe met together in Cologne 21-25 September. A brief audio report from the Pastoral Conference with the theme “Entertaining Angels – Hospitality as Mission” is available on the Diocese of Europe website.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Kleines "Fest der Völker" der ACK Hamburg 3rd October

A 'mini' intercultural festival is being organised by Hamburg Churches Together (ACKH) on Saturday 3rd October commencing with ecumenical service at 14:00, venue Oncken-Gemeinde, Grindelallee 95-101, Hamburg-Rotherbaum. There will be a Mitbringen-buffet in Cafe Quo Vadis afterwards. Everyone is very welcome!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Interview with the Chaplain on 'Britain in Hamburg'

Heiner Schäfer of 'Britain in Hamburg used the occasion of 'Nacht der Kirchen' to interview the Chaplain Roger White. The interview can be seen as a podcast here.

An unusual gathering of clergy ...

It doesn't happen very often, in fact this is only the second time in the 29 years the Diocese has existed. From 22nd-25th September 145 members of the Diocese in Europe clergy, 'representing churches from Morocco to Finland and Teneriffe to Moscow' are meeting together in Cologne.
To read about some of the things they will get up to, please read the Diocese in Europe website.
We wish all participants a very good conference.

The conference follows on from the CAECG (see below) meeting held at St Thomas Becket Church for which a short report can be found on the Eurobishop Blog.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

St Thomas Becket welcomes members of the Council of Anglican Episcopal Churches in Germany

The combined synod of the Anglican and Episcopal Churches in Germany (CAECG) is being hosted by St Thomas Becket Church 18th-19th September.
We welcome all those attending the meeting and wish a pleasant stay and worthwhile discussions.

Grateful thanks to the many members of our congregation and Church Council who are helping to organise and host this meeting.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hamburg's Night of the Churches

On Saturday 19 September 19:00-23:00 St Thomas Becket Church together with other churches in Hamburg will be opening its doors to welcome people in for 'Nacht der Kirchen'. The event provides an opportunity for people to step inside and learn something about the church, the Anglican faith, to sing and for quiet contemplation. The programme at St Thomas Becket's starts at 19:00. The full programme can be viewed or downloaded here.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Listen to Rowan Williams personal reflections on prayer.

In this week's BBC Radio 4 Programme 'Something Understood', the Archbishop of Canterbury reflects on his personal understanding of prayer with presenter Sir Mark Tully. Like many BBC Programmes, the broadcast 'Understanding Prayer' can be heard or downloaded to iPod (until 20.9) from the Something Understood website. Highly recommended listening.

Something Understood' is a BBC Radio Programme broadcasted early and late on Sundays that examines some of the larger questions of life, taking a spiritual theme and exploring it through music, prose and poetry.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Bishop Wolfgang Huber honoured by the Archbishop of Canterbury

A recent posting on Bishop David's Eurobishop Blog reveals that a dinner was hosted by the Archbishop of Canterbury to honour Bishop Wolfgang Huber, EKD-Ratsvorsitzende, on 10th September. The dinner was sponsored by Nikaean Club that exists to foster relations between the Church of England and non-Anglican churches. Click here for more about eucharistic relations between the Church of England and the EKD - the Meissen Agreement.
Bishop Huber's address reflecting on the subject of ecumenical relations can be downloaded as delivered from the Archbishop of Canterbury's website or in German from the EKD website.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Come in and find out!

A new 'Pause for Thought', on the subject of invitations, has been added.

For those who would like a daily Thought, the BBC Radio 4 News Programme "The Today Programme" broadcasts each day a 'Thought for the Day' from a a member of one of the major faith communities. It can be read or heard from the web site here.

A recent Thought for the Day by Rabbi Lionel Blue, might help kick-off the new season!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Celebrating Creation Day 12 September in the HafenCity Ökumenischen Kapelle

Samstag, 12. September Schöpfungstag in der Ökumenischen Kapelle in der HafenCity

Following an initiative from the Orthodox Church, "Brücke - Ökumenisches Forum HafenCity" and 'Churches Together', ACK Hamburg are joining together to host an event to promote reflection on how we are looking after God's Creation, (or not as it happens). From 14:00 around the Ökumenischen Kapelle in the HafenCity there will be an opportunity to discuss enivironmental issues and initiatives relating to climate change. At 15:00 Bischöfin Maria Jepsen, Domkapitular Hermann Haneklaus, Erzpriester Georgios Manos among others will offer prayers for Creation Day and there will be further opportunity for discussion and meeting.

For further information, click here

Thursday, September 3, 2009

British Day 5th-6th September

The annual British Day Festival is once again taking place at the Polo Club in Hamburg.

British Day (actually 2 days) is a fun-filled Fest for all the family celebrating British culture, food, music and entertainment. Money raised goes to local Hamburg charities Hamburger Hospiz e.V. and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteogenesis imperfecta - Betroffene e.V..