Thursday, November 25, 2010

Victorian Christmas Market

Do visit the LCF stall at the Victorian Christmas Market being held in the Baseler Hof Säle, Esplanade 27th and 28th November.

Visit of HMS Ark Royal

HMS Ark Royal is paying a last visit to Hamburg before being decommissioned. The Chaplain and members of the ship's company will be joining us for the Advent Sunday Service. The Chaplain, the Revd Martin Evans will preach the sermon and the Revd Simon Holmes will lead the intercessions.

We look forward to welcoming them all

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Advent Course starting 25th November

Advent is a time for reflection and it is good to do so before Christmas kicks in! A course of study is being offered by the Chaplain on four Thursdays in Advent, commencing 25th November 7.00 p.m. in Church with a shorter Monthly Eucharist. No need to make all the sessions.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

ACK Service for Christians murdered in Bagdad

Saturday, 20th November at 16:30 (immediately after the Bazaar), the ACK in Hamburg invites you to a Service of Remembrance at the Klein Michael/St Angsar.

Click here for the Archbishop of Canterbury's message to Christians in Iraq.

Poems for Remembrance Sunday.

In his sermon for Remembrance Sunday, the Chaplain read some war poems including some written by soldiers and civilians about the war in Afghanistan. Here is a link to a website dedicated to War Poetry, including poems about the current conflict in Afghanistan.


Night on the cold plain,
invisible sands lift,
peripheral shadows stir,

space between light and dark
shrouding secrets;
old trades draped grey.

Here too poppies fall,
petals blown on broken ground,
seeds scattered on stone

and this bright bloom,
newly cropped,
leaves pale remains,

fresh lines cut;
the old sickle wind
sharp as yesterday.

John Hawkhead 2009

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Podcast for Remembrance Sunday

As churches around Europe prepare to mark the season of Remembrance, culminating in many special services on Sunday 14th November, the Diocese in Europe website has posted an interview with an army chaplain about his pastoral work and mission on duty in Afghanistan.

Padre William Lister speaks about working with service personnel under fire, ministering to the dying and giving comfort and guidance to people making tough decisions under pressure.
He asks for prayers for himself and fellow chaplains working “on the front line”.

The interview with the Diocese Communications Officer, Paul Needle, can be heard here.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

This week 7th-13th November

Tuesday 9th November 18:30-20:00 Choir Practice - getting ready for the carol season!
Thursday 11th November is Armistice Day.
Saturday 13th November Church Wanderers outing to Schwerin - see note below and on Wanderers page under activities.

Please note next Sunday is Remembrance Sunday. There is a said Eucharist at 8:30 a.m. followed by Remembrance Service at 10:30 and wreath laying at Ohlsdorf at 12:15.

This is a week in which the German Chaplaincies are remembered in the Diocese shared prayer cycle, including this one on Wednesday, 10th November.

October Newsletter from Diocese of Jerusalem

The October edition of the Newsletter from the Diocese of Jerusalem is available here. This edition covers an extensive list of visits including by 100 pilgrims from the Diocese of Oxford led by the Bishop of Oxford, Dr John Pritchard.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Launch of 'No Anglican Covenant' website

For those who track church politics a new website has been launched by a group from across the Anglican Communion opposed to the adoption of the Anglican Covenant. It gives a comprehensive overview of the background and why in the view of the supporters this is not an appropriate measure for the Anglican Communion.

The site has been launched on 3 November 2010, the 410th anniversary of the death of the Anglican theologian Richard Hooker, best known for his appeal to three authorities—scripture, reason, and tradition—often described as his “three-legged stool.”

The Anglican Covenant is very much on the agenda of the forthcoming General Synod commecing 23 November.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Warmest congratulations to Sally and Timo on the announcement of their engagement!

Advent Course commencing 25th November

A course of study is being offered by the Chaplain on four Thursdays in Advent, commencing 25th November 7.00 p.m. in Church. Please contact the Chaplain asap if you would like to join. No need to make all the sessions.

For some there is no retirement!

BBC Online 2 November highlights the inspirational contribution of an 81 year-old German nun Ruth Pfau who is taking care of flood victims in Pakistan, continuing a lifelong commitment to the poor of that country.

Please click here for the report.

Wanderers off to Schwerin

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern here we come - on Saturday 13th November the Wanderers will be off on a 10km walk around Schwerin.

Please meet at 10 a.m. Hamburg Main Station by the Travel Centre to organise group tickets for the 10:24 train.

The walk will commence in the Castle Grounds to the Fauler See, and along the lake where we have our picnic lunch (please bring one). In the afternoon there will be opportunities for shopping or sightseeing in the old city. On a previous visit we found a cosy bakery for coffee and cake in the Schelfstadt district, where the decor and service were in original DDR style.

Return on the 16.06 or 18.06 train (maybe in two groups) to arrive in Hamburg at 17.33 or 19.33 respectively.

Please contact Stuart (contact details on Wanderers page under Activities) if you plan to join.

Grace - we cannot earn it, count it or store it!

In The Times of 23 October Credo column, Bishop Geoffrey writes about the 'transforming love of God', in a piece that the Chaplain then used as part of his sermon on Sunday. As the text is behind the paywall of The Times, it is provided here for those who wish to read it, with kind permission of the Bishop.

The Hindu interview: Dialogue for me is recognition of the serious

During his recent visit to India, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, gave an extensive interview to 'The Hindu'. In it many topics are covered from issues to do with the state of the Anglican Communion, relations with the Roman Catholic Church, women bishops, justice, immigration and many other current issues.
The article is worth reading for a comprehensive summary of the Arhcbishop's views and can be read on his website here.