Saturday, July 24, 2010

Eucharist with Baptisms and Shared Lunch 1 August

Sunday 1st August we have baptisms and so this is a suitable time for a chance to mingle over a shared lunch.

The Monthly Eucharist will take place Thursday 29th July at 19.00 at Schulterblatt 14 - please tell Rosie Curran (4390281) if you are coming!

And don't forget the church outing 4th September


Archbishop of Canterbury's keynote speech to the Lutheran World Federation Assembly

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, was the invited keynote speaker at the LWF Assembly being held in Stuttgart until 27 July. His talk was on the theme of the conference "Give us today our daily bread".

Dr Williams noted that “Give Us Today Our Daily Bread” is “a prayer than inevitably looks beyond the present moment and the settling of immediate needs … It is as if in order to live in peace and hope today, we have to ask for that foretaste or ‘advance payment’ of God’s future.”
"The bread that is shared among Christians is not only material resource, but the recognition of dignity...and to recognise human dignity in one another is indeed to share the truth of what humanity is in the eyes of God. We feed each other by honouring the truth of the divine image in each other."

The report from LWF is available here.
The full text can be read on the Archbishop's website.
There is also a note and comment on the Europbishop blog

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Where is God?

On Trinity 7 Sunday the Chaplain included in his sermon a couple of poems by the Swiss theologian Jörg Zink. The poem "Where is God" provides the new Pause for Thought. Something to ponder on in the summer holiday season!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lutherans gather in Stuttgart

Every 6-7 years the world's Lutheran churches gather under the umbrella of the Lutheran World Federation and this time from 20-27 July in Stuttgart. Under the motto 'Give us our daily bread' the conference challenges those participating (and us all) to consider what we should be doing about injustice in the world.

The Anglican Communion is represented by among others Bishop David Hamid as noted in his blog entry for 20th July.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams will address the conferance on 22 July.

We wish the conference delegates a good conference.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Acts435 - making giving easy

Aside from all the attention on other high profile matters at the General Synod last week, a significantly innovative idea for internet supported giving was launched by the Archbiship of York, Dr John Sentamu, who says:
Acts435 is a fantastic initiative which puts people who are in need in touch with those that can help. It is a very simple idea but a very exciting one! I am proud that the Church is taking practical steps to help those facing practical difficulties."

This website demonstrates in a very positive way how the internet can be used to connect people.

Women in the Episcopate - some responses from Bishops

The Church Mouse Blog - a reliable, enlightening and witty source of commentary on church matters - provides a list and links to pastoral letters sent by a number of bishops on the result of the General Synod debate on Women Bishops.
The letters reflect a range of opinions.

MIssion Projects - correction

Please note the following correction to the information in the printed version of Becket News and News item below "New Mission Projects":

The two USPG-Anglicans in World Mission projects which the Chaplaincy Council decided the church will support during the next two years are as follows:-

The Women's centre in South India was considered, but it was decided to make the choice in line with USPG's new strategy of highlighting basic health care and clergy education. These priorities come from the partner Anglican churches in Africa and Asia. There is an acute shortage of priests in Bangladesh, for example.

Apologies for the error in reporting. The mistake has been corrected in the Becket News linked to this site

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Women in the Episcopate - Decision time in the Church of England Synod

The General Synod of the Church of England is currently in session in York, and tackling that issue that seems still to provide much stuff for debate, under what terms women can become bishops.

The decision to admit women as Bishops had already been taken in principle two years ago. The debate at this Synod evolves on how to provide for those who somehow cannot accept this. The Synod has today, to the disappointment of some, decided against formal legislative means to provide a two tier system for those that can or cannot accept women bishops.

Some may think this is long overdue, and not quite understand what the debate is about, but recommended listening is the audiosession of the debate. The contributions both for and against the motions were well argued.

Young Adults Meeting 16th July

Undeterred by the heat, the Young Adults will be meeting at 8:00 pm this Friday 16th July. Topic of discussion 'Total Forgiveness'.
Please refer to Young Adults Page under Activities for contact information.

Advance notice is given of the summer social barbecue on Saturday, 28th August. Details to follow.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


The July-September 2010 issue Becket News is available as hardcopy in Church from this Sunday, 11th July. You can already get you hands on a copy from this website by clicking here.

This 20 page Meisterwerk contains a variety of articles and more photos than ever.

For our many website readers living afar, we hope that Becket News provides a good overview of the life of the Church to let you keep in touch.

Our thanks once again to the editor for putting this together. Never an easy task!

Gute Lektüre!

Full text of Book of Common Prayer available online

The Church of England's website announces that the full text of the Book of Common Prayer is now available online.

Qutoing from the press release
'The 1662 Book of Common Prayer is a permanent feature of the Church of England's worship. It is loved by many for the beauty of its language and its services are widely used. It is also the foundation of a tradition of common prayer and a key source of the Church of England's doctrine. The services which it contains - especially Morning and Evening Prayer and Holy Communion - are still used (with minor modifications or additions) in many churches.'

The text of Common Worship is also available online here.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Dates for your diary

Please reserve Saturday 4th September for the Church Outing. It would be great to have lots of people come along. Details to follow.

Also a reminder that Sunday 17th October Bishop Geoffrey will be paying us a visit and confirming our confirmation candidates who have just started their course of reflection and instruction.

Mustering the Wanderers for 10th July

The next Wanderers outing will be 10th July, meeting at Kornweg S-Bahn station at 10:50 to walk along the Alsterwanderweg, ending up at Poppenbüttel station.
Further details on the Wanderers page under 'Activities'. Please let Sarah know if you are coming.

Pleasse note Wanderers walk in all weathers - especially when the sun shines! Newcomers welcome to join the party