Sunday, November 20, 2011

Living Advents Calender

STB's choir is playing a part in the Michel's "Lebendiger Adventskalender". On each day in Advent there is a short event planned at locations around the Michel.

At 6:00pm on Tuesday 13th December it will held at STB. Do come along and bring your friends.

Monday, November 14, 2011


The Annual Church Bazaar will be taking place in church this Saturday 10:30-16:00. There are cakes to be bought, bottles to be won, exotic food to be eaten, lots of things for Christmas, a great choice of English books and more. Do come along!

The church bazaar is a significant source of income: the church does not receive income from other sources, neither from the Church of England nor Kirchensteuer, so shoppers are keenly awaited!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Calling all Wanderers this Saturday

Saturday 12th November the Wanderers are off for a walk from Fischbeker Heide to Kiekeberg length apporx 8km, terrain heathland and woodland paths.

Meet at the Hamburg Hbf on the S3 platform direction Neugraben at the foot of the escalator towards the front of the train (not the Reisezentrum end), in time to catch the 10.48 train. We alight in Neugraben at 11.13 and then catch the 250 bus dep 11.33 to Fischbeker Heideweg arriving at 11.39.

Please wear suitable footwear and bring a picnic lunch. Kaffee and Kucnen before we catch the 340 bus back to Neugraben.

Please do let Cicely know if you intend to come: Cicely-hollingsworth(at), tel: 040/86 07 90.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

This week

Monday 7th November ACKH (Churches Together in Hamburg) meting in the Finnish Church.

Tuesday 8th November 6:30 pm - Choir Practice

Saturday 12th November Wanderers Walk details to be posted.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Have a nice day!

A new Pause for Thought on meaning what we say!