Monday, August 30, 2010

On the subject of Baptism

The Rt Revd Alan Wilson, Bishop of Buckingham, - known simply as Alan Wilson to Guardian Readers for whom he writes a regular column - has written some thoughts on the Book of Common Prayer and Baptism, that make cheerful if not thought provoking reading.

Click here to access.

This piece noted from the Eurobishop Blog.

Young Adults Meeting 10th September

The next Young Adults meeting will be on Friday 10th September - further details on location and time is given on Young Adults Page. Topic for disucssion - will be a surprise!
Young adults are welcome - church attendance not required!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

After the summer break ..

Well summer seems to be rather broke. But this should not deter ...

The weather perhaps puts other things on hold to read a new Pause for Thought for September.

Many things are happening this autumn. Dates to note are Creation Sunday 19th September and Harvest Weekend 2nd-3rd October with a special Ghanaian Event in support of the church's mission projects.

Don't miss the bus!

There are still places free on the bus for the Church Outing on Saturday 4th September. This promises to be a great day out, good company, interesting weather (well interesting to see what it will be!), and a very economical way to see Töning and St Peter Ording - all for 15 Euros!

Good way to get to know people who regularly and occasionally come to church! Newcomers welcome too.

Click here for the flyer.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

This week 15th-21st August

Friday 20th August Junior Church Staff Meeting.
Saturday 21st August Confirmation classes resume.

REMINDER - Church Outing Saturday 4th September!
Visit to Tönning and St Peter Ording. An opportunity for friends and relatives to join regulars for a fun day. 260 km round trip for just 15 Euros - do join the party! Notification to Emmanuel in church or contact the churchwardens or Chaplain.