Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Saturday,16th July Wanderers Picnic in the Stadtpark

The Wanderers are off on a picnic this weekend!

Meet at the exit from the Sierichstrasse U-Bahn at 11.00 h. From there it is a short walk to the Grasweg entrance to the Stadtpark.
As you will probably be sitting on the grass, please bring something suitable to sit on - a rug or cushion and maybe something waterproof, if there has been wet weather and the ground could be damp.
Please bring a picnic, too! It would be good to have a shared lunch.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sally and Timo's big day!

This Sunday 10th July there will be a Blessing of the Marriage between Sally and Timo as part of the Sunday Service, to be followed by a buffet.

We wish Sally and Timo a wonderful day, and many happy, blessed years together.

New Pause for Thought!

Regular visitors to this site will be aware that there has been an absence of new Thoughts for a while. Your webmaster is pleased to report this has now been rectified, with a very Thoughtful piece from our new locum on the small matter of doubt!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Ecumenical Service 4th July

Pastorin Martina Severin-Kaiser from the Nordelische Kirche will be holding an ecumenical Service in St Petri Kirche, Mönckebergstrasse at 17:15 Monday 4th July. Do come along if you can.

Welcome to our new locum

We extend a warm welcome to the Revd Clifford Poole who is to be our Locum Chaplain until the beginning of September. We appreciate very much that he is able to spend an extended period with us over the summer.
Revd Poole has experience from the Diocese in Europe having previously been a Chaplain in Luxembourg. He studied and taught languages, including German so is no stranger to the culture either. Revd Poole will be joined by his wife Jean for part of the time. Wilkommen in Hamburg!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Summer Edition of Becket News hot off the Press!

A bumper, more colourful edition than ever of Becket News is available by clicking on the link above or as a hardcopy in church. Lots and lots of reports of things that that have happened or about to happen!

Happy summer reading!