Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sharing the experience of the Diocesan Synod

For those curious to know what gets discussed at the Diocesan in Europe synod, much is revealed in a series of three well put together podcasts available on the Diocese in Europe website.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Diocesan Synod 24-28th May in Cologne

The 70+ members of the Diocesan Synod, a third of whom are new, will be meeting this week in Cologne to discuss affairs of the churches that make up the Diocese in Europe. Topics to be covered include discussion of a report of a communications audit which has examined the present vehicles for diocesan communication (a subject close to the heart of this webmaster); a proposal for resourcing a new leadership structure; a presentation of the work of the Ministry Team and not forgetting the Annual Meeting of the Diocesan Board of Finance. These are important topics and we shall think of the delegates during this week.

Further details are available on the Eurobishop blog and there is a 3 min interview podcast with the Diocesan Secretary, Mr Adrian Mumford, about this year's synod.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Confirmation 2010 - Sunday 17th October

Sunday 17th October our Diocesan Bishop Geoffrey comes to visit us and to confirm candidates.

Young People from 11 years and older and Adults of any age, whether baptised or not (or perhaps baptised in another church community than Anglican?), please contact the Chaplain as soon as possible if you wish to join the confirmation classes, or even if you are just thinking about it.

First meeting Saturday 19th June at 10.30-11.30 in church. Meetings on Saturdays 10.30-12.00 (with a break for the summer Schulferien), or on Friday evenings, if preferred.

Pentecost Sunday 23 May

Pentecost - The Birthday of the Church is about celebrating our gifts, gifts given to us by God’s Spirit, to proclaim the Word and Works of him who has created, redeemed and now empowered us to become like Our Lord. This is about striving for two practical things: to be better at sharing one another’s burdens and to be better at ‘redressing the balance’ in prayer.

Please do join the Eucharist this Sunday at 10:30.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ascension Day 13 March

A Eucharist for Ascension Day will be held Thursday 13th May 10:30. You are very welcome.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

2nd Ecumenical Kirchentag

12-16th May sees the second Ökumenisher Kirchentag being held in Munich.

For further information Click here.

New Chaplaincy Council meets

The first meeting of the new Chaplaincy Council will be held Monday 10 May. We support them with our thoughts and prayers, and are most grateful for their service.

Happy Birthday EU

It is not only the Hafengeburtstag this weekend. 9th May is a birthday celebration for Europe - Europe Day. On this day 60 years ago Robert Schuman, the then French Foreign Secretary, issued his Declaration that Europe should work towards the ideal of the free movement of people and goods across borders. A absolutely visionary idea at the time given that large parts of Europe lay in rubble, but one which laid the foundation for the European Union that has permitted us all to enjoy peace across Europe and defeated totalitarian forms of government.

See the Eurobishop BLOG - link above for more.

Monday, May 3, 2010

A New Commandment

In case you missed Sunday's Eucharist, or would like to refresh you memory on what was preached, this week's Thought for Eatertide - ‘A New Commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you.' John 13.31-35 based on the sermon is available on the Pause for Thought page.

Readers are reminded that they may send comments on 'Thoughts' to the webmaster. Feedback is welcomed!

Calling all Wanderers!

Next walk is Saturday, 8 May Aumühle to Bergedorf via Reinbek - approx 11 km, but with chance to call it a day at 6,5 km.
Please see Walking on the Activities page for further details.

Please note this is a change from the notice in Church on Sunday.

UK General Election May 6th

On Thursday May 6th voters in the UK will finally have to make up their minds and decide who to vote for. Let us hope that significant numbers do so, and we offer our prayers that the right choices will be made.

Hafengeburtstag Service in the Michel Friday 7th May 13:00

Yes, it is the annual Hafengeburtstag again - a quaint Hamburg tradition of giving its port a birthday party. This is the 821st birthday Click here for the programme in English.

On Friday 7th May 1:00 pm the opening of the birthday party will be celebrated by a Service in the Main Church of St Michael's with singing by the Shanty-Chor "De Trampentrekker".

Auf Wiedersehen!

Today we said farewell to Ryan and Jane, now returning to the States after two years based in Kiel from where they have loyally attended STB's each Sunday and played an active role in many activities. We wish you every blessing for the future, and hope you will stay in touch (occasionally clicking on to this website, perhaps!).