Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Becket News in time for Easter!

The April-June 2010 issue Becket News is available as hardcopy in Church or here for downloading.

This issue contains the Chaplain's Annual Report, many 'Themes and Thoughts for 2010' plus important information about the AGM and election of members of the Church Council (for which nominations are open, and new blood is sought!).
For our many website readers living afar, we hope that Becket News provides a good overview of the life of the Church through the many articles reporting on the different activities. Thank you for your interest.

Our thanks once again to the editor for putting this together and in time for Easter!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Follow the drama of Holy Week and Easter as it unfolds

On Sunday 28th March Palm Sunday the Eucharist re-enacts the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on a donkey.

1st April Maundy Thursday commemorates Jesus washing his disciplines feet and then eating his Last Supper with them before he prepares to face betrayal, trial and death. The service is followed by a vigil - a quiet time to reflect on the meaning of it all.

The Good Friday service has no Communion. We try through the liturgy of the day to share the sense of loss and abandonment.

On Holy Saturday 3rd April prayers are offered on the Day of Waiting, and the church is prepared for
Easter Day , a celebration of a festival of light, an occasion to renew our Baptismal Vows and give thanks for Life!

Service times are to be found on the "Services" Page.
Further notes about the Services are available here.
Please read too the Pause for Thought for this Good Friday and Easter.

Welcome to our youthful pilgrims

Friday 26th March at around 20:30 St Thomas Becket Church is hosting the last station of a Ecumenical Young People's Pilgrimage which commences at St Petri Kirche at 18:00.

A warm welcome to all


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bishop Geoffrey's Easter Message

Bishop Geoffrey's Easter Message 2010 posted on the Diocese in Europe website can be accessed here.

Dates this week 22nd March

Monday 22nd March - Church Council meets.
Also Young Adults Meeting at Sally's starting 20:00.
Tuesday 23rd March 18:30 - Choir Practice in church.
Thursday 25th March - Monthly Eucharist (Feast of the Annunciation) - do come along!

Friday 26th March - about 200 young people are expect around 20:30. STB is honoured to have been chosen as that last station of a Ecumenical Young People's Pilgrimage (see News item below). Please do come along to make everyone feel welcome.

Spring Edition of The European Anglican available

The Spring 2010 Edition of the Diocese in Europe quarterly magazine "The European Anglican" is available in church or directly from the Diocesan website here.

The Magazine contains short articles about the various goings on in the Diocese in Europe: in this edition a report on the 150th Anniversary celebration of the Anglican Church in Riga and some post COP15 reflections among other things. It is a colourful and readable publication. Hard copies available in church.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Luke's Passion - Special Lent Course Saturday 20 March

As we approach the end of Lent, why not come along and ponder afresh on Luke 22.66-23.56 - Luke's account of the Passion? On Saturday 20th March 10:30-12:00 a Bible Study will be held in church. Do come along if you can, especially if you are in a questioning frame of mind; this is not just for those who believe it all!
For those who cannot make it, a flyer with notes and prayers to guide your reflection can be downloaded here.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Robin Hood Tax

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, and Richard Curtis, Co-Founder and Vice Chair of Comic Relief, and veteran of the Make Poverty History Campaign, have written an article that appeared in the Sunday Times supprting the campaign for a (small) tax on financial transactions to yield a fund which could be worth 300 billion euros. Known as the "Robin Hood Tax" the idea is that the money raised would be split three ways between domestic governments to avoid cuts in basic services, as direct aid assisting poorer countries to deal with the impact of climate change and to reduce their carbon emissions and to fight against global poverty.
Take a look at this You Tube video with Bill Nighy and Richard Curtis to at least give the idea some thought!

REMINDER! Becket News Deadline Approaching

The spring edition of Becket News needs your contributions! Please transfer good intentions and thoughts into written words and forward to or to the webmaster who will forward these. It would be much appreciated if contributions could arrive before 20th March, but failing that 24th March.
Please do contribute. The editor's job is to edit, not to write! Many thanks.

Next Meeting Young Adults Group

The Young Adults Group will be meeting Monday 22nd March at 20:00 (and not 19th March as previously announced). Details on Young Adults page under "Activities".
The discussion on dealing with enemies will continue...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mothering Sunday 14th March

Sunday 14th March Fourth of Lent is Mothering Sunday. There will be a special Children‘s Eucharist with Junior Church playing a prominent role. Fringe benefits include flowers for parents and a special cake. The service will be followed by a Shared Lunch.
Do come along, especially if you have children for this family friendly occasion.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ecumenical Young People's Pilgrimage

On Friday 26th March St Thomas Becket hosts the final station of a Ecumenical Young People's Pilgrimage. This exciting youth venture in Hamburg is a combined Catholic/Lutheran event which the organisers hope will attact well over 200 pilgrims.

Starting at the Petri-Kirche, Mönkebergstrasse at 18.00 the pilgrims will make reflective, song-filled and prayerful short stops at other city centre churches. We host the final station at about 20.30 in church. The worship will be ecumenical and engaging, with refreshments after, before the young pilgrims make their way home.

Please click here for the flyer 'Kreuzworte - Ökumenischer Kreuzweg der Jugend 2010'