Friday, April 30, 2010

Latest News from the Diocese of Jersusalem

The spring edition of the Newsletter from the Diocese of Jerusalem is available here.

The Newsletter contains stories of the varied and inspiring activities taking place in one of the world's most troubled regions. The lead article reports on a Music Night at St. Andrew’s Church with Strathclyde Universitiy Choir (which just for information is in a university partnership with Hamburg University of Technology).

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Activities this Week!

Tuesday 20th April Choir Practice at 18:30. Newcomers welcome as the choir does need strengthening.
Friday 23rd April Young Adults. Please refer to Young Adults page under 'Activities' for further details.

Date for your diary Saturday 12th June Favorite Hymns

We have a new Church Council!

There was an exceptionally good turnout for the AGM held after a shorter Eucharist on Sunday 18 April. Reports were given on the various activities and groups. The electoral roll has a small increase, we look forward to getting back to triple figures. Two Church Wardens, Deborah Ockert and Renu Roy, were elected unopposed. Eight people stood for the six Church Council positions: Peter, Karen, Stuart, Birte, Matilda, and Emmanuel were duly elected. Thanks are due to the others for standing, it is encouraging to see people coming forward to serve the church.

With the emergence of new blood, old stalwarts are taking the opportunity to take more of a backseat role. A particular thanks goes to Ellen for her friendly, loyal, and patient service as Church Warden for 20 years!

We wish the new team and all those who give their time and service to enable the church to function as a community, and not just on Sunday mornings, all the best for the coming year of office. It will be a challenging time for all, but one which can be mastered through working togther.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pause for a Thought!

'Pause for Thought' has seen weekly updates since Holy Week to give food for thought this Eastertide. Visit this page for the latest contribution!

Pause for Thought aims to provide a short thought-provoking, perhaps controversial, piece to challenge your thinking. You can respond by using the website address!

Monday, April 12, 2010

New Electoral Roll and AGM

The New Electoral Roll is available. Please check your entry. It will re-open for new applicants after the AGM.

Sunday 18th April the Annual General Meeting will be held at 11.45 am, after a shorter Eucharist.
Please make every effort to attend the meeting, to hear reports of the Church’s work, to vote for officers and to ask any questions you think important.

Thanks for Easter

Our thanks to all those who provided assistance for the Easter Service: to Ellen especially for the flowers, and to those who contributed; to Paul for his help in Holy Week and to Elizabeth, who provided all the coloured Easter Eggs.

If we missed you on Easter Day, may the presence of the Risen Christ bless your life this Eastertide.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Wanderers emerge from hibernation!

The snow has gone. Spring is in the air, so why not join the Wanderers for a stroll round Wedel?
Saturday 10th April meeting at the exit to Wedel S-Bahn at 11:20.
The route planned is along the dyke bordering the Elbe as far as the NABU Carl Zeiss Vogel Station and back along the cycle track to Wedel.
Please bring a picnic lunch. A café stop will be made for tea.
And please let Cicely know if you are coming - contact details under "Activities - Wanderers".

Ökumenischen Vesper am Ostermontag

To celebrate the fact that Easter falls on the same day for both the Eastern and Western Churches this year, a ecumenical service of Vespers (evening prayer service) will be held in the Hauptkirche of St. Michaelis on Easter Monday 5th April at 18:00. Readings will be given in many languages, including English.


We wish all readers of the website a very Happy Easter.

The Chaplain's Easter sermon 'You are your Body' is posted as the new Pause for Thought for Easter. (The Thought for Good Friday can still be read by scrolling down the Pause for Thought page.)

The Archbishop of Canterbury's Easter Sermon entitled 'Cross is a challenge to the world' considers contemporary attitudes to the meaning of the cross - an uncomfortable symbol for many.