Friday, March 14, 2014

Mark Lyndon charity appearance

Actor Mark Lyndon will be giving a charity performance in the church of his popular one-man show "How to be a Hamburger" on 20 March 2014 at 7.30pm. Admission is free, but donations in aid of the Anglican Church of St Thomas Becket and Hamburger Leuchtfeuer Hospiz are very welcome. Miss it if you dare!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Copy deadline for Becket News

The next edition of Becket News is due at the end of March.

The editor would appreciate articles, event news, reports on activities and other information for inclusion by Saturday 22 March at the latest. Please send to becketnews (at)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wandering along the Elbe

This coming Saturday, 8 March, Nicki and Johann Schiller will lead the Church Wanderers on a walk along the Elbe from Schnackenbek to Lauenburg with its historic town centre.

Please meet at the 8800 bus stop outside Bergedorf station to catch the 10.45 bus (direction Lauenburg), alighting at Schnackenburg. Those coming by train from Hamburg, please note that the S21 dep.10.04 from Hbf arrives Bergedorf 10.25, or the 10.14 arriving 10.35 should also enable you to catch the bus. Allow plenty of time, as the next possible bus would be Schnellbus 31 at 11.24.

Tickets to Schnackenbek and Lauenburg are in the HVV Gesamtbereich. If you have a season ticket for Grossbereich only, you will need an "Ergänzungskarte für 2 Ringe", costing €2 one way, available on the bus or on the internet. Others should buy a Tageskarte for Gesamtbereich, unless you are driving by car to Bergedorf, of course.

Please bring a picnic lunch and come with smiling faces, even if the sun is not shining.

Important Please let Nicki know by the evening of Friday, 7 March if you are planning to come. If you have any questions, please contact her:
email: Tel: 04104/69 55 37
A call or text message to 0176 30 393 063 will reach her for any last-minute messages on the day of the walk.