Monday, September 30, 2013

Action packed week!

This week at STB

Tuesday 1 October 7:30pm Healing Service with Taizé music.

Thursday 3 October 7-9:00pm the third of Michael Leafe's Lectures on controversial religions: this time on Jehovah's Witness

Saturday 5 October 5:00pm Evensong

and don't miss Harvest Festival 6 October 10:30am. Bring along a pumpkin (or other veg or items of use for the homeless).

Pledge cards

29 September was the culmination of a month of prayer about Giving to the church. STB does not receive any money except what it receives by voluntary giving. This unfortunately not currently enough to cover the costs of running the church.

Due to the current situation we are asking parishoners to fill our a Pledge Card in order for the Chaplaincy Council to better able to get to grips with the likely income and expenditure. Please pick one up in church and return to the Treasurer.

All donations to the church are tax deductible.


Chaplain taking a well earned break

Fr Matthew will be returning to his native Queensland for a month 7 October to 5 November.

During this time we welcome back Revd Clifford Poole, who was one of our locums in 2011, together with his wife Jean.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Interview with Pope Francis

Pope Francis has given an extensive interview to a fellow Jesuit which has been reported in the The Economist among other prominent publications. The full interview can be read here . It makes very interesting reading.

Thanks to Jo for drawing attention to this.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Deadline for Becket News looms

Contributions to Becket News from near and far are very welcome. Please do consider sharing something you find interesting with the rest of the readership.

The editor would be pleased to receive contributions for the next edition by September 27. Please send to becketnews (at) THANKS!

Fr Matthew on retreat 21-28 September

The Chaplain, Fr Matthew, will be on retreat 21-28 September. He will later be on a well earned holiday and his first visit 'back home' since he arrived from 7 October until 5 November. During this period Fr Cliff Poole will be returning as locum.

Lecture on the Mormons by Martin Leafe

Martin Leafe, former Lecturer at the Study of Religions Departments of Hannover and Bremen Universities, presents the second in series of talks on the history, theory, leading personalities and practices of four controversial religious groups.

The lecture to be given on Thursday 19 September, 7-9pm in church will be on the Mormons.

Attendance is free, but a donation to the church would be welcomed.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Join us for Nacht der Kirchen

14 September is the 10th Nacht der Kirchen (Night of the Churches) when some 120 churches in Hamburg open their doors for people to be welcomed and see something of the different churches and church traditions.

The programme at STB is as follows:
19:00 Choral Evensong
20:00 Awake, my soul!
21:00 African Music
22:00 Musical Comedy
23:00 Compline (Night prayer)
23:15 The Lord's Prayer in different languages.

Please do come and join us!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Wanderers off again

For those not learning about liturgy this Saturday 7 September, (see side) the Wanderers will guide you through the Harburger Berge on a walk from Appelbüttelerweg to Waldfrieden via Sottorf (about 10 kms).

Meet at S Bahn station Harburg Rathaus exit Eissendorfer Strasse at 10.45 (S3 arrives 10.43. This is the train dep. Altona at 10.14, Landungsbrücken 10.20, Hamburg Hbf 10.28 and Harburg 10.41). We will be catching bus 144 at 10.55 arriving Appelbüttelerweg at 11.08am. Please don't be late. The next bus leaves 30 mins later!!

Please bring a picnic lunch and come suitably attired.

K. u. K. is promised at a pleasant Gaststätte at Waldfrieden before catching bus 240 to S Bahn Neugraben.

Please Cicely know by Friday, 6 September midday, if you are planning to come. Tel: 86 07 90; mobile 0162 635 93 98.

Congratulations to our friends from the Swedish Church in Hamburg!

The Swedish Church community are this week celebrating their 130th anniversary - the Swedish Church of Gustaf-Adolf was founded 30 August 1883.

On Sunday 1 September members of STB joined with members of the Swedish Church for a joint Eucharist celebrated in both Swedish and English. Aside from divine music, we enjoyed drinking Swedish coffee afterwards.

We say Grattis på 130-årsdagen!

Lecture on the Freemasons by Michael Leafe

Martin Leafe former Lecturer at the Study of Religions Departments of Hannover and Bremen Universities, presents the first of series of talks on the history, theory, leading personalities and practices of four controversial religious groups.

The first lecture to be given on Thursday 5 September, 7-9pm in church will be on the Freemasons.

Attendance is free, but a donation to the church would be welcomed.