Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christian Aid's Urgent Appeal for Donations

Christian Aid's income has been seriously affected by the recession and they do not currently have enough funds to cover all their planned activities in 2010. Unless circumstances change, on 19 February decisions about priorities will have to be made and who to stop helping.
Therefore, they have put out an urgent appeal for donations.

If you can support this and their important work for justice for the world's poorest, please click here.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

COP15 - picking up the pieces

The outcome of two years of preparation, and two weeks of negotiation has been a bitter disappointment for all who care about justice in this world and our responsibility to future generations. If we don't sort this mess out we will all be the losers. But it is important not to give up campaigning or hope as Sarah Spinney, Christian Aid's climate change campaigns manager suggests here.
Bishop David's BLOG contains a letter from Elias Crisostomo Abramides, the World Council of Churches' head of delegation to the Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen expressing a similar determination.
And in a BBC Radio 4 Thought for Today the Revd. Colin Morris suggests that faith communities have a significant role to play.

We can do better than this! We must do better than this!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Bishop Geoffrey's Christmas Message

Bishop Geoffrey's Christmas Message 2009 posted on the Diocese in Europe website can be accessed here.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Latest news from Bountiful Harvest Rural Development Philippines

One of the mission projects supported by St Thomas Becket is a NGO - Bountiful Harvest Rural Development - dedicated to bettering the lives of the local people on the Island of Palawan, Philippines. Simon Gill, who was a member of St Thomas Becket Church in the early 90's and his wife Jinky, are providing a "holistic ministry" i.e. addressing basic human rights, transferring agricultural skills and combining this with a 'quiet witness to Christ' to the rural community on Palawan. (See 'Mission Projects' page)

Their latest Newsletter can be accessed here. If you think the weather to be challenging here in Hamburg - read the newsletter!

Monday, December 14, 2009

"Act for the sake of love"

"We cannot show the right kind of love for our fellow humans unless we also work at keeping the earth as a place that is a secure home for all people".

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, was invited to preach by the Danish Council of Churches. The service was attended by the Queen of Denmark, by ambassadors and by members of international delegations attending the Copenhagen climate change negotiations, as well as religious leaders.

In his sermon the Archbishop contrasted fear, which can paralyse, with love, which is the liberating and decisive force for change: "In this season of Advent ... We reaffirm our conviction and commitment in the name of love; and we say 'don't be afraid' to all who stand uncertainly on the edge of decision. Don't be afraid; act for the sake of love."

For the full text Click here.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

This week 13th-20th December

Choir Practice Tuesday 15th December 18:30 - for the Carol Service.
Monthly Eucharist Thursday 17th December 19:00
Carol Service with Nativity Sunday 20th December 10:30.

Please note the Advent and Christmas appeal for USPG-Anglicans in World Mission and Africa-Action.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Calling all budding journalists!

The next edition of the parish magazine 'Becket News' is under preparation. The editor would be very pleased to receive short articles on topics of interest by 20th December. Please give the editor a chance of a Christmas break, and contribute something - 200-350 words will do! Many thanks.

Friday, December 11, 2009

A Spiritual Presence at COP 15

Heated negotiations are well underway, hopefully to result in the cooling of the planet. COP15 is bustling with activity. Accreditation of journalists has had to be stopped. There are 5000 of them. The capacity of the venue is 15000, and it is full.

In all this it good to have a place of refuge and this is being provided by St Albans Anglican Church in Copenhagen, which is open every day during COP15 ‘as a place of welcome, hospitality, prayer, stillness and engagement with the issues…’. The church has put on an imaginative programme supported by a team of Franciscan brothers, sisters and Anglican clergy.

On Sunday 13th December – the half way point of the conference – a Ecumenical Service (to be broadcast) will be held in Copenhagen Cathedral, with representatives of the world’s denominations, including churches in Greenland, the South Pacific and Africa. The Archbishop of Canterbury will preach the sermon and Archbishop Desmond Tutu will participate. The service will end with a symbolic ringing of bells, which will be echoed across the city, the country and the world.

And hopefully then we will all come to our senses! (Scroll down a bit further for Christian Aid's prayer for COP15.)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Funeral of Peter Holst

The funeral of Peter Holst will take place at 15:00 on Friday 11th December.
At the request of the family, those who wish to do so are invited to make a donation to the English Church Hamburg (Englisch-bischöfliche-Gemeinde). The account details are to be found at the bottom of the end page of the parish magazine 'Becket News'. Please mark the transfer "Spende-Peter Holst". Thank you.
Details of the location of the church can be found here.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Human Rights Day 2009

December 10 is 'Human Rights Day'. And it is the Day on which the Nobel Prizes are given.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was established 61 years ago. Its opening statement “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” sets the message for this year's theme which focuses on non-discrimination. Despite the fact that all States have ratified at least one of the core human rights treaties, the fight against discrimination remains a daily struggle for millions around the globe.

The realisation of all human rights - social, economic and cultural rights as well as civil and political rights – is hampered by discrimination. All too often, when faced with prejudice and discrimination, political leaders, governments and ordinary citizens are silent or complacent.

We can all make a difference. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights encourages people everywhere to seize the opportunity of Human Rights Day 2009 to join hands to embrace diversity and end discrimination. We are encouraged to celebrate Human Rights Day by advocating non-discrimination, organising activities, raising awareness and reaching out to our local communities on 10 December and throughout 2010. Why not start by being friendly to the person who looks different to you on the S-Bahn!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thought for the Week: If you want peace in the world, start with yourself!

The theme of the Second Sunday of Advent - Prayers for Peace:
Before we pray for the peace of the world, let us pray
'Lord, may peace begin with me . Let me face up to my aggressive feelings; let me overcome my prejudices against others.'

Or as Mahatma Gandhi put it
'Be the change you want to see!'.

The theme of the Third Sunday of Advent will be Hope. Please do come with your hopes for 2010!

This week 6th-13th December

Choir Practice Tuesday 8th December 18:30 - to get in tune for the Favorite Hymns evening 12.12 and for the Carol Service Sunday 20th December. Newcomers welcome.
Bible Study Wednesday 9th December 15:00 in the West Room. Last meeting before Christmas.
Funeral of Peter Holst Friday 11th December 15:00
Favourite Hymns evening Saturday 12th December 18:30 - coffee and cake will be served from 17:45.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Christian Aid's prayer for the climate change negotiations

Christ our Lord, when we remember the sacrifice you made for the world, remind us that we are called to care for the world and its people, and challenge us to see how our actions change the world. Be with us as we act to make a difference.

Christ, whom we remember in the bread, remind us of those who are hungry, and challenge to us to see how our actions change the world. Christ, whom we remember in the wine, remind us of those who are thirsty, and challenge us to see how our actions change the world.

Christ, as we remember your perfect sacrifice, inspire us to follow your example and to work with you to restore a broken world. Motivate us to take action, and grant wisdom and courage to the world's leaders that they can negotiate a fair deal for the world's poor in Copenhagen. Remind us that you are with us, and that when we live lives of service, we live them in your name. Amen.

Click here to access the Danish UN Climate Change Conference website, and here for the official UN site.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Archbishop of Canterbury World AIDS Day Video

On the recomendation of Bishop David Hamid in his BLOG entry for 1 December, World AIDS Day, click here to view Rowan Williams highlighting the plight of expectant mothers who are HIV positive and the support they need to prevent the transmission of HIV to their babies.
Despite the tragic subject matter, the video in keeping with the message of season of Advent is a message of hope.

Monday, November 30, 2009

The Archbishop's Advent 2009 Message

On the eve of his visit to Copenhagen, Dr Williams urges us to focus our thoughts and prayers on the pressing environmental concerns of our world. The UN Climate Change Conference brings nations together to negotiate and hopefully agree on a new international agreement for tackling climate change. The Archbishop will be in Copenhagen to support the conference.
Click here to access the Archbishop's message.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Annual Advent Walk and Lunch

Anyone and everyone is welcome to join the Wanderers special Advent walk on Saturday 5th December. Meet at the exit from Ohlstedt U-Bahn station at 11.35 a.m. The walk will be about 7km from Ohlstedt and back to Ohlstedt through the Wohldorf Wald ending up at the Landhaus Ohlstedt for the annual Advent lunch.

Do come along - the more the merrier! Please let Cicely know in advance for table reservation. Further details under "Walking" on the "Activities" page.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Advent 2009: Our Thanksgivings, Peace and Hopes

As Christmas and the New Year draw close, this is a good time to look back at the Old Year, and prepare for the New.

For this Advent we present four topics to get you thinking, as you review your year 2009 and prepare for the New Year and its challenges, its hopes and expectations. On each of the first three Advent Sundays at 10.30, the congregation will have a symbol to stand for an activity, central to our experience as Christians, central to our experience of living in the beautiful, yet broken world village.

Advent Sunday 29th November: Thanksgiving is a song: What do you want to give special thanks for this year?
'Hope is a star' flyer.

This week

Tuesday 24th November 18:30 - Choir Practice. To prepare for the Carol Service.

Thursday 26th November 19:00 - The Monthly Eucharist.

Friday, November 13, 2009

1 billion hungry! UN Call to Action

The UN Climate Summit to be held in Copenhagen in a few week's time may be catching most attention, but 16-18 November the UN is holding a World Summit on Food Security in Rome to give a new momentum to the fight against hunger and malnutrition affecting 1.02 billion people. Pope Benedict XVI will deliver a keynote speech while UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon will also address the Summit.

With the world's population expected to grow by 34% to 9,12 billion by 2050, already the number of hungry people in the world is to increase to over one billion this year. The UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation's (FAO) Director-General Jacques Diouf comments: “The silent hunger crisis — affecting one sixth of all of humanity — poses a serious risk for world peace and security. We urgently need to forge a broad consensus on the total and rapid eradication of hunger in the world.” - click here for the background. The Director-General himself will be going on a 24-hour hunger strike from Friday evening to Saturday evening in proest against hunger. We are invited to join him.

Ahead of the Summit, the UN report 'Pathways to Success' report concludes that the most economical and best way out of rural poverty and hunger is to support the efforts of smallholder farmers to improve their farming conditions and productivity.

On the summit website you can add your name to the END HUNGER PETITION.

Archbishop pays tribute to the Mothers' Union

The Archbishop of Canterbury has paid tribute to the work of the Mothers' Union, describing it as 'The most influential and widespread lay movement in the churches of the Communion, and probably among the most active lay groups in any Christian denomination.'

The Mothers' Union has 3.6 million members in 78 countries worldwide including at STB here in Hamburg.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Next Wanderers Outing 14 November

Do not be put off by the weather, the Wanderers walk in all weather conditions!
Details of the next walk are posted on the Wanderers page under "Activities". Please do let Cicely know if you intend to come along. A good stroll followed by coffee and cake is just the thing to do on a November Saturday!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Will the real Jesus please stand up?

A new 'Pause for Thought' has been added which presents some radical thinking about Jesus.
Pause for Thought is a monthly feature on this website intended to provide a short thought-provoking, perhaps controversial, piece to challenge your thinking! You can send a response to the webmaster (see contact page).

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A hitch-hiker's guide to comfortable pews?

Ship of is a community website 'for people who prefer their religion disorganized' and if you ever thought Christians take themselves too seriously - this is the antidote.

A regular feature is the report from the Mystery Worshipper. Travelling incognito, these underground agents provide answers to the really important questions on church services: 'How long was the sermon? How hard the pew? How cold was the coffee? How warm the welcome?'

To find out how our friends up the road in Copenhagen acquitted themselves click here.
And watch out in case this underground agent turns up at St Thomas Beckets!

With thanks to Eurobishop blog for the source.

A month in which to be counted!

October being an in-between sort of month is the month picked by the Church's statisticians to use as a basis for gauging how many people on average come to church. It is always good to report in good stats - so how about making an extra effort to support the church attendance record by coming for the rest of October!
Thank you for your support.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Christmas card salesmen and women wanted!

St Thomas Becket Church is entirely dependent on free-will giving, a major source of income being the proceeds from the Annual Church Bazaar and things sold in association with it. Handmade 'recycled' Christmas cards produced by an army of 'home workers' are one of the major income generators. Packs of 10 cards are sold for 10 Euros.
Please get in touch if you can support the church by helping to sell cards, (and of course too, if you wish to buy some). Thanks!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Bishop David's Sermon given at the CAECG Synod

Bishop David has kindly released a copy of his sermon preached at the Eucharist held at the conclusion of the CAECG meeting (see below) for posting on this website. It can be accessed here or on the Services page.

A short report on the meeting can be found on the Bishop's Blog (ref. 'Anglican and Episcopal Churches in Germany Explore Ignatian Prayer Together' posted Sunday, 20th September 2009.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Autumn News from Diocese of Jerusalem

The September Newsletter from the Diocese of Jerusalem reports on an Interfaith Ramadan Celebration hosted by the Bishop among other things. To access click here.

Michaelmas Ordinations

The Bishops ask for our prayers for those being ordained this Michaelmas to serve in the Diocese in Europe: The Revd Peter Hales to be ordained as priest by Bishop David on 3rd October, to serve as assistant curate, Christ Church, Coutances; the Revd Sampson Ajuka to be ordained as priest by Bishop Geoffrey on 4th October, to serve at St George’s Venice with St Anthony the Abbot, Padua, and Mr Anthony Lane to be ordained as Deacon by Bishop David 11 October, to serve as assistant curate, St Thomas the Apostle, Kefalas Crete.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Come and walk! Come and sing!

Saturday 10th October provides an opportunity to walk with the Church Wanderers and enjoy the colours of autumn displayed in the woodland between Blankenese and Rissen. Please refer to the Wanderers page for further details and let Cicely know if you intend to come along.

And afterwards you can sing your heart out at the next Favourite Hymns Evening also on Saturday 10th October, at 18:30 with Coffee and Cake served from 17.45.

Please note - you do not have to go on the walk to come and sing hymns! All are welcome to either or both activities!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Autumn Edition of Becket News!

The Autumn Edition of Becket News with reports of the many activities that have taken place over the past months, and information about many forthcoming events is available as a PDF here.

Résumé of Diocesan Clergy Conference

142 out of the 150 clergy in the Diocese in Europe met together in Cologne 21-25 September. A brief audio report from the Pastoral Conference with the theme “Entertaining Angels – Hospitality as Mission” is available on the Diocese of Europe website.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Kleines "Fest der Völker" der ACK Hamburg 3rd October

A 'mini' intercultural festival is being organised by Hamburg Churches Together (ACKH) on Saturday 3rd October commencing with ecumenical service at 14:00, venue Oncken-Gemeinde, Grindelallee 95-101, Hamburg-Rotherbaum. There will be a Mitbringen-buffet in Cafe Quo Vadis afterwards. Everyone is very welcome!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Interview with the Chaplain on 'Britain in Hamburg'

Heiner Schäfer of 'Britain in Hamburg used the occasion of 'Nacht der Kirchen' to interview the Chaplain Roger White. The interview can be seen as a podcast here.

An unusual gathering of clergy ...

It doesn't happen very often, in fact this is only the second time in the 29 years the Diocese has existed. From 22nd-25th September 145 members of the Diocese in Europe clergy, 'representing churches from Morocco to Finland and Teneriffe to Moscow' are meeting together in Cologne.
To read about some of the things they will get up to, please read the Diocese in Europe website.
We wish all participants a very good conference.

The conference follows on from the CAECG (see below) meeting held at St Thomas Becket Church for which a short report can be found on the Eurobishop Blog.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

St Thomas Becket welcomes members of the Council of Anglican Episcopal Churches in Germany

The combined synod of the Anglican and Episcopal Churches in Germany (CAECG) is being hosted by St Thomas Becket Church 18th-19th September.
We welcome all those attending the meeting and wish a pleasant stay and worthwhile discussions.

Grateful thanks to the many members of our congregation and Church Council who are helping to organise and host this meeting.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hamburg's Night of the Churches

On Saturday 19 September 19:00-23:00 St Thomas Becket Church together with other churches in Hamburg will be opening its doors to welcome people in for 'Nacht der Kirchen'. The event provides an opportunity for people to step inside and learn something about the church, the Anglican faith, to sing and for quiet contemplation. The programme at St Thomas Becket's starts at 19:00. The full programme can be viewed or downloaded here.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Listen to Rowan Williams personal reflections on prayer.

In this week's BBC Radio 4 Programme 'Something Understood', the Archbishop of Canterbury reflects on his personal understanding of prayer with presenter Sir Mark Tully. Like many BBC Programmes, the broadcast 'Understanding Prayer' can be heard or downloaded to iPod (until 20.9) from the Something Understood website. Highly recommended listening.

Something Understood' is a BBC Radio Programme broadcasted early and late on Sundays that examines some of the larger questions of life, taking a spiritual theme and exploring it through music, prose and poetry.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Bishop Wolfgang Huber honoured by the Archbishop of Canterbury

A recent posting on Bishop David's Eurobishop Blog reveals that a dinner was hosted by the Archbishop of Canterbury to honour Bishop Wolfgang Huber, EKD-Ratsvorsitzende, on 10th September. The dinner was sponsored by Nikaean Club that exists to foster relations between the Church of England and non-Anglican churches. Click here for more about eucharistic relations between the Church of England and the EKD - the Meissen Agreement.
Bishop Huber's address reflecting on the subject of ecumenical relations can be downloaded as delivered from the Archbishop of Canterbury's website or in German from the EKD website.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Come in and find out!

A new 'Pause for Thought', on the subject of invitations, has been added.

For those who would like a daily Thought, the BBC Radio 4 News Programme "The Today Programme" broadcasts each day a 'Thought for the Day' from a a member of one of the major faith communities. It can be read or heard from the web site here.

A recent Thought for the Day by Rabbi Lionel Blue, might help kick-off the new season!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Celebrating Creation Day 12 September in the HafenCity Ökumenischen Kapelle

Samstag, 12. September Schöpfungstag in der Ökumenischen Kapelle in der HafenCity

Following an initiative from the Orthodox Church, "Brücke - Ökumenisches Forum HafenCity" and 'Churches Together', ACK Hamburg are joining together to host an event to promote reflection on how we are looking after God's Creation, (or not as it happens). From 14:00 around the Ökumenischen Kapelle in the HafenCity there will be an opportunity to discuss enivironmental issues and initiatives relating to climate change. At 15:00 Bischöfin Maria Jepsen, Domkapitular Hermann Haneklaus, Erzpriester Georgios Manos among others will offer prayers for Creation Day and there will be further opportunity for discussion and meeting.

For further information, click here

Thursday, September 3, 2009

British Day 5th-6th September

The annual British Day Festival is once again taking place at the Polo Club in Hamburg.

British Day (actually 2 days) is a fun-filled Fest for all the family celebrating British culture, food, music and entertainment. Money raised goes to local Hamburg charities Hamburger Hospiz e.V. and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteogenesis imperfecta - Betroffene e.V..

Monday, August 24, 2009

St Thomas Becket hosting CAECG Meeting 18-19 September

St Thomas Becket is hosting the joint meeting of the Anglican parishes wtih their sister American Episcopal congregations that takes place twice a year. The CAECG meeting commences Friday 18 September and finishes with a Eucharist in the church after the end of business on Saturday morning. Members of the congregation are warmly invited to the Eucharist at which Bishop David will confirm a candidate who was baptised earlier this year.

September is a busy month for the clergy, as in the following week the Diocesan Clergy meeting will take place in Cologne.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Greener travel to UK

Have you not had that desire to travel in more comfort like one used to? These days this means trains not planes. is a website designed for people wanting to travel from the UK to Mainland Europe - but it can be used the other way!
With acknowledgement to the Bishop's Blog for pointing out this link!

Next Meeting of Young Adults Group

The next Young Adults Group meeting will be held 11 September 18:30 in church. Please see Young Adults page under "Activities" for further information.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Bishop has a BLOG!

Bishop David Hamid has this month launched his own weblog, which is vastly more interesting than the Diocese in Europe's website! Here you can find a tweeted sermon, what the Bishop is reading, and much more to answer the question "What on earth do Bishops get up to?".
The Bishop's BLOG can be accessed here.
We wish him every encouragement with this new venture.

USPG Prayer Diary

USPG-Anglicans in World Mission provides much needed practical support as partners to Anglican Dioceses in the developing world. You can read about some inspiring people and activities in the Autumn Prayer Diary that can be accessed here.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Advanced Notice: Nacht der Kirchen

The 6th Night of the Churches in Hamburg will be held on Saturday, 19th September 2009. From 18:00 until 24:00 churches all over Hamburg will open their doors and invite members of the public to learn about the churches in their city. St Thomas Becket Church will once again being taking part.

Further details on all the activities surrounding this event can be found on the Nacht der Kirchen website.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Climate change and changing behaviour

With developed and developing nations agreeing that global temperatures should not rise more than 2C above 1900 levels, in a G8 summit declaration issued today, perhaps we need to reflect on what this means for how we act.

Watch the the winning entry to the German Watch short film competition to consider your position!

The World's Oldest Bible? - online

About 800 pages of the earliest surviving Christian Bible, known as the "Codex Sinaiticus" have been put on the internet as part of a scholarship project being undertaken by the British Library, the University Library of Leipzig, the National Library of Russia in St Petersburg and St Catherine's Monastery, Sinai where the manuscript was found in 1844 - well preserved due to the extremely dry climate. The 1,600 year old manuscript offers a window on early Christianity and some interesting differences to the Bible we use today.

The website is well worth visiting to find out more.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Summer Edition of Becket News

The July-September 2009 edition of Becket News is now available, containing many varied articles and notices of forthcoming activities.

Our thanks to the Editor for pulling this together at a busy time.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bishop Geoffrey's Address to the Diocesan Synod

The full text of Bishop Geoffrey's Presidential Address to the Diocesan Synod held at the beginning of June has been posted on the Diocese in Europe website. It sets out the challenges and opportunities for the Anglican Church in its broader context for not only those attending the Synod, but perhaps all of us, to reflect on.

Services for July Posted

This month's services and "Pause for Thought" have been added.

Please note Children's Eucharist 5 July followed by picnic - datails below.

Also Church Outing 11 July - details also below.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Junior Church Summer Celebration 5 July!

A special Children's Eucharist will be held 5 July after which there will be a picnic in the park from 12:00-16:00. Friends welcome. Back up plans exist for wet weather. Please refer to flyer for further information. Great fun is promised whatever the weather!

REMINDER! Church Outing 11 July

Do please let the Chaplain or Church Wardens know this week if you are planning on coming on the Church Outing 11 July to Glückstadt and Brunsbüttel. See previous News item below for links to see what you will see!

How should we spend the public finances in Hamburg?

If you have ever asked yourself that question, now is your chance to make your views known. An online discourse is being held by the Bürgerschaft. Take a look at the link to the Bürgerhaushalt Hamburg: Sparen oder investieren? and the background write up in the Hamburger Abendblatt.

Why not give our politicians a practical helping hand!

Friday, June 19, 2009

No cars on Sunday, please!

Sunday 21 June is "Autofreier Sonntag" (Car-Free Sunday)
Ludwig-Erhard-Strasse and Willy-Brandt-Strasse will be closed to traffic from early morning for the whole day, along with the east side of the Innen-Alster, from Balindamm to Rödingsmarkt. Many events are planned to support this Environment Protection initiative from the Department of City Development and Environment (BSU).
Public transport will be free.

For those coming to Church on Sunday, please do not be deterred. Hamburg has an excellent public transport system, and here is an opportunity to show solidarity with this action and the improvement it can bring to the quality of life for all in the City by using it, or even better, why not come by bicycle!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Young Adults Meeting 19 June 18:30

A reminder that the Young Adults will be meeting in Church 18:30 Friday 19 June.

Don't forget too, the Summer Social outing to Lübeck on Saturday 27 June. Please contact Sally for further details (see Young Adults page under "Activities").

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Calling all Wanderers!

A diverse bunch of Wanderers go walking once a month, usually the second Saturday of the month. This provides an opportunity for exercise in good company, and is open to anyone. Details are posted on the "Activities-Wanderers" Page. You can also be put on the emailing list. Do come along. It is good fun - and takes place in all weathers!

The next walk will be on July 18 through the Wohldorfer Wald and the Duvenstedter Brook (Note Church outing is 11 July, hence change of week).


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Summer Edition of The European Anglican now available

Where can you find a bishop, a donkey and a former ballerina in the space of a few pages? The answer is – in the latest edition of The European Anglican , the quarterly journal of the Diocese in Europe, just published (1st June). Hardcopies of the Magaizine are also available in Church.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Trinity Sunday 7 June

The festivals of the Church's year come to a climax with the celebration of teh Blessed Trinity of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Shown to us indirectly in the Scriptures, the Church came slowly to the belief that God is One, but reveals himself in three ways, as Father creator, Son the eternal Word, who became man for us, with the Spirit of God, who brings life to the people of God and moves in people's hearts to draw them to him.

Don't forget too, that June 7th is the day of the European Elections! See note above!

It is also Hamburg Bikers Day - with all that that entails transportwise!

Services for June are posted on the "Services" page.

Monday, May 25, 2009

This week 24-31 May

Choir Practice Tuesday 26th May, 18:30.
Newcomers more than welcome.

Annual Ecumenical Service at the Petri-Kirche, of ACK-Churches Together in Hamburg, Wednesday 18:30

STB Green Team Action on Climate Change Friday 29th May 18:30
Young people, 13-17, are welcome to join the small dedicated, lively group.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ethics and Expenses

The revelations that many British MPs (though certainly not all), have used the expenses system to the letter rather than the spirit of what might be deemed appropriate for public office, has been widely reported not only in the UK press, but also here in Germany.
The Archbishop of Canterbury has penned some wise words on the need for virtue and not just regulation. The Article may be read here.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

32 Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchentag, Bremen 20-24 May

The Deutsche Evangelische Kirchentag is held every two years, in this 60th anniversary year in Bremen. It can perhaps be summed up as a large scale celebration of the Christian Faith attracting some 100 000 and more participants. Among the speakers will be politicians discussing Faith and Society matters, trying to give a good account of themselves in this election year. Therefore it will be widely reported, but you can also track reports as things happen on the Kirchentag Website.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Church Outing - trailer

No we are not planning a Church Outing in a trailer, but in a coach on 11th July taking us to Glückstadt and then Brunsbüttel. Cost around 15 Euros per person. Further details to follow, but do book the date for what promises to be an action-packed fun day.

This week 17th-23rd May

Ascension Day Sung Eucharist Thursday 21st May, 10:30. Make this day meaningful and come to worship God, who raised our Lord to be the Man for all seasons and times.

Bible Study Wednesday 20th May 18:30-20:00 in the West Room. Do come along for what usually is a very engaging discussion.

Please note there is no Junior Church on Sundays 24th and 31st May.

New Chaplaincy Council Appointments

At the first meeting of the newly elected Chaplaincy Council, the following appointments were made:
Vice Chair - John Finn
Electoral Roll Officer - Birte Fischer
Treasurer - Stuart Cooke
Secretary - Peter Alexander
Child Protection Officer - Pieter Thomas

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Governance of the Church of England and Anglican Communion

Many of us find understanding how the Church of England runs itself as an organisation rather hard to grasp. The Bishop in Europe, Geoffrey Rowell, has helpfully signposted to a paper recently produced on the matter entitled The Governance of the Church of England and the Anglican Communion available from the Diocese in Europe website. This may provide some enlightenment.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Reminder Choir Practice Tuesday 12 May 18:30

A reminder that Choir Practice is on Tuesday 18:30. New members are very welcome. Get in good voice for the Favourite Hymns evening!

Latest News from the Diocese of Jerusalem

The May Newsletter from the Diocese of Jerusalem reports on a number of important schools project. To access click here.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Favourite Hymns Evening Saturday 16th May, 18:30.

As previously announced, the next Favourite Hymns evening is on Saturday. As usual coffee and cake will be served from 18:00. This is going to be much more fun than the other singing event that evening, so do come along and bring a friend!

First meeting of the new Chaplaincy Council

The first meeting of the new Chaplaincy Council will take place in Church Monday 11th March 18:00. The first tasks are to elect the Vice-Chair, Electoral Roll Officer, Secretary, Treasurer and Child Protection Officer, and then to decide priorities.
We are all grateful for the willingness of the Council Members to serve the Church, and pray for their work over the coming year.

Exam time!

Are you a young person (or even an older person), facing exams in the coming weeks? The Church of England has put up some prayers to help. Click here for the link

Christian Aid Week 10-16 May

Christian Aid is a UK based charity supported by 41 sponsoring churches. Since 1945 it has been providing relief aid globally. Under the banner “We believe in life before death”, Christian Aid provides help to those in need, while at the same time campaigning for greater justice - not just working to alleviate poverty, but to challenge the causes of poverty.
Christian Aid Week in the UK provides the opportunity to make an extra special effort to fundraise, and draw attention to the issues that are the causes of injustice. To find out more please click on to the Christian Aid website.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Next Wanderers Outing 9 May

Now there is really no excuse to still be in hibernation in this weather, so we hope there will be a good turn out for a wander along the Elbe from Altona to Blankenese ending with Kaffee u. Kuchen at Cicely's (now there is an incentive!).

Meeting point is Altona station at 11:15 near the exit for Museumstrasse by the RED ENGINE. For further details and contact phone numbers see Wanderers page under "Activities".

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pilgrimage to Albania and Macedonia

Albania was for many years one of the most atheistic countries in the world under the thumb of a communist dictator. Since the fall of communism, however, the Orthodox Church, led by the inspirational leader Metropolitan Anastasios, is once again flourishing. It is a little known country (the birth place of Mother Teresa), as is Macedonia, described as a "hidden jewel" with its magnificent ancient churches and monasteries.

The Bishop in Europe, Geoffrey Rowell will be leading a pilgrimage to both in September. For further details see the Diocese in Europe website.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

New Chaplaincy Council Members

Following the AGM held 26 April, the following have been elected:
Ellen Ziesmann and Renu Roy, Church Wardens.
The six Chaplaincy Council members are:-
Peter Alexander (currently Council Secretary), Stuart Cooke (currently Council Treasurer), Rosemarie Curran (previously Church Warden) John Finn (currently Council Vice-Chair), Raj Roy (currently on last year's Council) and Emmanuel Saarkodie (also on last year's Council).

Thanks to all who came forward for election. We wish the new Church Wardens and Council Members fulfilment and success in the coming year and shall remember them in our prayers.

Favourite Hymns Evening 16 May

The third favourite hymns evening will be held 16 May starting 18:30. Coffee and cake will be served from 18:00. Do come along for a good sing!

Events this week

Choir Practice is this Tuesday 28 April at 18:30. The choir could do with a few more voices, so if you see this and have a desire to have a go or re-establish your singing credentials, do come along. You are more than welcome, even if you have not attended church.

The Monthly Eucharist will be held on Thursday at 19:00 in the West Room. (For this reason there is no Bible Study on Wednesday this week).

The Young STB Green Team will be meeting on Friday 18:30 to continue the exploration of climate change issues and personal responsibility.Young persons 13-16 are welcome.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Annual General Meeting 26 April 12:15 in Church

Please do come along to this important event even if you are not on the Electoral Roll. Great chance to ask questions about how the Church is run, not to be missed! It is also a chance to thank those who give their free time to ensure the Church is able to operate as a living body.

Wednesday Bible Study

A weekly pattern of reading, study and prayers will recommence Wednesday 22 April 18:30-20:00 in the West Room. Do come along for stimulating and a lively discussion on the readings for the coming Sunday.

STB Green Team Action on Climate Change

A small nucleus of young people have come together to develop an information resource on climate change and individual responses to it for the website. At the first meeting held 17 April the basic issues were discussed and now we are looking at what ideas to propose. Any young person who would like to become involved in researching and presenting information on climate change is very welcome to join the next meeting 1 May 18:30 in Church, or if you are interested and can’t make the meeting let the webmaster know.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Re-thinking perspectives

"The present financial crisis has dealt a heavy blow to the idea that human fulfilment can be thought about just in terms of material growth and possession." The Archbishop of Canterbury's Easter Sermon points us to think about another way of living.

News from the Diocese of Jerusalem

The Diocese of Jersusalem includes the West Bank and Gaza. St Thomas Becket Church supports the work of the USPG-Anglicans in World Mission including their work in Jerusalem. For the latest News from this troubled region, do read the Diocese of Jerusalem Newsletter

Friday, April 10, 2009

Archbishop of Canterbury's Thought for Good Friday

In his Thought for the Day on Good Friday broadcast on BBC Radio 4, Archbishop Rowan Williams reflects on our current need to hear someone say "Sorry", but that "the shocking thing about the story of Jesus' death on Good Friday is that he asks God to forgive his torturers when there isn't even a chance of them saying sorry. They can't apologise because they haven't seen the problem.
The story of Jesus' death tells us that even before we know what the problem is, God has taken the first step towards mending it. He doesn't wait for an apology that sounds satisfactory. He begins by recognising that people are trapped in a level of violence and inhumanity they don't even notice, and he says to them that his love is already available.
The heart of the Good Friday challenge is about us and what we think is possible. Today's story of Jesus' crucifixion simply says, It can be done."

Next Wanderers Outing Saturday 18 April

The next wanderers walk will give us a taste of spring through Altes Land. Meeting at Landungsbrücken - BRÜCKE 3 to catch the 11:00 ferry. See under Activities-Walking for further details. Please do come along even if you have not been walking with us before.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Jade Goody - an ulikely heroine

Jane Goody was an ordinary person who became famous, and infamous, through reality TV. Her very public death from cancer has received wide media coverage not only in her own country of Britain, but also in Germany. A few weeks before her death she was baptised into the Church of England. Her funeral took place 4 April. The Sermon by the Rev Corinne Brixton, who also baptised Jade may interest those pondering the meaning of Holy Week.
This is a week for the unlikely hero.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

What do the Young Adults do?

If you have ever wondered what the Young Adults Group gets up to, read the review report for 2008-09 now posted on the Young Adults page under "Activities".

NEXT MEETING OF YOUNG ADULTS 17 APRIL 18:30 - see Activities page for venue contact.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Reminder! Final session of Lent Course

The Lent Course comes to completion on Saturday 4th April 10:30-11:30. There was quite a crowd last week and some controversial discussions. Do come along even if you have not been to the other sessions.

New Bumper Edition of Becket News!

The April-June 2009 edition of Becket News is now available. It is an extra large "bumper" edition with a new colourful layout reporting on the many activities of the St Thomas Becket Church over the past months and looks forward to things planned. It is worth reading. Our thanks to the Editor for once again pulling this together!

The Editor and contributors wish everyone a very Happy Easter.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Environment "is an issue of justice"!

“Ecological questions are increasingly issues of justice.“
“The poorest and most vulnerable and our children and grandchildren would pay the heaviest price for climate change...” are key messages from Archbishop Rowan Williams high profile Ebor Lecture Renewing the Face of the Earth: Human Responsibility and the Environment.

The lecture, given in York 25 March, was welcomed by a Greenpeace UK spokesman with the comment, "Hundreds of thousands of people are dying every year because we haven't taken the necessary steps to stop climate change. Whilst there's nothing wrong in hoping for a miracle, relying on one does seem to be more than a bit reckless. “

The Archbishop also made this point “To suggest that God might intervene to protect us from the corporate folly of our practices is as unchristian and unbiblical as to suggest that he protects us from the results of our individual folly or sin".

Something to think about while waiting to catch the plane!

For full text click here and BBC Online report here .

Sunday, March 22, 2009

This week 22-28 March

Just a reminder that Choir Practice is on Tuesday commencing 18:30. New members are welcome.

The Monthly Eucharist will be held in the West Room on Thursday at 19:00

The Lent Course continues on Saturday 10:30-11:30 and will be tackling Miracles. From the experience of previous sessions, a lively discussion is promised. Do come along even if you have not been to the other sessions. The more the merrier for this demanding topic!

You can then work off the perplexity by helping to Spring Clean at 12:00. Please contact Ellen (see under contacts) in you can volunteer services. It would be much appreciated. Old Bismark needs a brush up so we are told, if not the Church!

Thanks to our children!

Members of Junior Church Amaefo, Chidera, Emily, Frederico, Jannes, Kevin, Kullaya, Osamui, and Svea, have been carefully saving pocket money to donate to those less fortunate than themselves. A couple of weeks ago their donation was given to the Freundeskreis Die ARCHE Hamburg for its tremendous work for less privileged kids.
Please click here to see the thank you note read out in Church on Mothering Sunday (22 March). Well done to all! Keep it up.

Sustainable Farming in the Philippines

Simon Gill who was a member of St Thomas Becket in the 1990's is now running an NGO Bountiful Harvest Rural Development Inc. on the Island of Palawan, Philippines, with his wife to introduce sustainable farming techniques to local farmers on Palawan, Philippines. For their latest news, please look under Mission Projects.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bishops in Gaza

On March 10, Bishop Suheil Dawani, Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem, who is responsible for Christians on the West Bank and in Gaza, was granted permission to go into Gaza to make a pastoral visit to the diocesan hospital, Ahli Arab Hospital. Bishop Suheil was accompanied by Greek Catholic Archbishop Elias Chacour and Lutheran Bishop Munib Younan. The visiting bishops wanted to personally show their support and thank the medical staff, and to pray for peace in the region and reconciliation between the Palestinians and the Israelis.
Please click here for a short report.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Value of Trust

Ethics, Economics and Global Justice, words that don’t quite seem to fit together these days, is the title of a recent thoughtful speech given by the Archbishop of Canterbury on the current economic situation. Trust in the financial system is something we have lost. Our impatience has got the better of us. We need to move away from short term thinking, and learn the value of trust.
Those of you pre-occupied with the current economic situation may like to read or listen to his presentation given in Wales 7 March here and perhaps link this to this month’s Pause for Thought.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Reminder! Young Adults Meeting 20 March 18:30

Just to remind you there will be a meeting of the Young Adults Group this Friday in Church starting 18:30. If you are interested and wish to join the group please refer to the web page "Activities-Young Adults" for contact details.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

AGM 26 April

A reminder that the AGM will be held 26 April after the service. To vote at the AGM you need to be on the Electoral Roll. If you have attended church regularly for 6 months and are not yet on the Electoral Roll, please do consider applying. Applications are welcome up to 5th April. It does not cost anything!

Annual Bazaar 2009 Date Announced 21 November

The Annual Bazaar will be held 21 November 10:00-16:00. The next organisers meeting will be in September, but do get in contact if you would like to help. It is fun!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spring Cleaning

A reminder about the four part Lent Course starting 14th March – see flyer. This may offer some much needed spiritual spring cleaning.

For some physical spring cleaning, please if possible reserve Saturday 28th March to assist with cleaning the Church ready for Easter, or for the physically active, to help out as a volunteer to clean up Hamburg. Please contact Ellen (details under About Us – Contacts) for further information.

Thoughts for Lent

Lent is a good time to think about the situation of others. This Month's Pause for Thought challenges us to consider what we might do about the economic imbalance in the world.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Annual Bazaar 2009 – kick off meeting 9 March 19:00

The Annual Bazaar is one of the most important church activities not least because it contributes significantly to the finances! It is also a lot of fun to participate in the organisation. Past helpers and newcomers willing to help with this year’s bazaar, please come along to a meeting in Church, 9th March at 19:00. Please contact Ellen if you want to know more (contact details under “About us – Contacts”).

Church Wanderers Walk 7 March

The next Church Wanderers walk will be The Alsterwanderweg from Poppenbüttel to Wohldorf, then continuing to Ohlstedt. Approx 10.5 kms. Further details under "Activities - Wanderers".
Please note date has been changed so as not to clash with the Lent course commencing 14 March which we hope many people will join. It's free!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Archbishop Rowan Williams Reflections on Lent

"It's not about feeling gloomy for forty days; it's not about making yourself miserable for forty days; it's not even about giving things up for forty days. Lent is springtime. It's preparing for that great climax of springtime which is Easter – new life bursting through death."

The Archbishop of Canterbury's reflections on Lent, and a good short introduction to its history and meaning can be viewed or read on his website . The video can also be viewed on YouTube.

Much More Than "A Place in the Sun!"

The latest edition of The European Anglican, the quarterly magazine of the Diocese in Europe, is available from the Diocese in Europe website .

Please apply to join the Electoral Roll

If you have attended church regularly for 6 months and are not yet on the Electoral Roll, please do consider applying. Applications are welcome up to 5th April. Those on the Electoral Roll can vote at the AGM 26th April.

Being on the Electoral Roll does not entail signing up to any onerous commitments, but it does help the Church show its strength. Representation on the governing bodies of the church depends on the number on the Electoral Roll, so it would be good if we can increase the numbers!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Time for Lent

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday this Wednesday 25th February. It is time for that spiritual spring cleaning!

The Ash Wednesday Eucharist with the ancient rite of penitence will be held 19:00 . Last year's palm crosses are burned and the ash used to mark the forehead, as a sign of sorrow for our sins, which led Jesus to the Cross. Do join the service if you can, even if you have not attended before.

A period of self-denial and reflection experienced as a community features in all religions for a good reason. It helps us develop as human beings and grow spiritually. So what not give it a go? There is a chance to ponder some issues together as a community following a four part Lent Course starting 14th March. See flyer.

For details of Services for Lent and Easter refer to Services page or click here for flyer.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Young Adults Meeting 20 February in Church

The Young Adults Group will be meeting Friday 20 February at 18:30 in Church to discuss the topic "Wisdom that comes from heaven". If you are interested and wish to join the group please refer to the web page "Activities-Young Adults" for contact details.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Count Your Blessings - Bishop's Lent Appeal 2009

"The tough economic times we are facing can give us fresh perspectives on the many blessings that God has freely given us" is the headline message in Bishop Geoffrey Rowell's Lent Appeal 2009. Bishop Geoffrey encourages us to take time to think about those many people around the world who do not even have the basic necessities of life. "It's easier to give something up for Lent if you've got something to start with."

For the full text visit the Diocese in Europe website or click here.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Church Wanderers Walk 14 February

The next Church Wanderers walk will be from Harburger Berge – Fischbeker Heideweg to Kiekeberg (approx. 8 kms). Meet up at Hamburg Hbf 10:30. Further details under "Activities - Wanderers" or by clicking here.
Do come along for exercise and good company.

What better way to start St. Valentine's Day?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Church full for Mendelssohn Anniversary Concert

Norddeutscher Rundfunk opted for the church as venue for an NDR-Kultur live broadcast concert commemorating the 200th anniversary of Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy’s birth nearby on February 3 1809.

Internationally renowned violinist Daniel Hope was joined by Latvian pianist Lauma Skride, Simone Young (Manager and Artistic Director, Hamburg State Opera, and Principal Musical Director, also piano) as well as cellist Olivia Jeremias. The programme included Mendelssohn’s Piano Trio No. 1 in D minor, and readings from Mendelssohn’s letters by actor Ulrich Matthes.

The exterior and interior of the church had been specially lit for the event and an audience of about 300 filled all the available seats. The ambience and the acoustics were widely appreciated.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Matters of Church and State

For those originating from the UK who have wondered what Bishops get up to in the House of Lords, the CoE has just launched a new web site to explain.

Those not originating from the UK may find this integrated role of the Church in the business of Government intriguing.

“German Devotional Literature on Bestseller List in Early Modern England!“

It may surprise you to know that the literary C17-C18th English bookshelf will have undoubtedly included many translations of German devotional works. There is more Luther in Milton than you might have noted. German piety was apparently all the rage in church and literary circles. Why this was so will be explained by Corinna Pietsch , theologian and Research Assistant at the University of Hamburg in a lecture arranged by the Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft and hosted by St Thomas Becket Church, on Thursday 12 February 19:00.

For further details, click here. Do come along to be enlightened further. Location is given under "About Us".

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lent Course 2009

So you’ve recovered from gobbling the goose or stuffing yourself with turkey and survived the entry into 2009. Now possibly is the time to plan that spiritual MOT/TüV that comes with Lent! A Lent Course will be held on four Saturdays in Lent starting Saturday 14th March to the fourth session on Saturday 4th April, just before Palm Sunday. Meetings will be short and sharp for just an hour 10:30-11:30. Further details here. Please plan to attend one or more sessions – it will do you good!

Monday, January 12, 2009

First Thoughts of 2009!

Pause for Thought is proving to be one of the more popular sections of this web site. For the start of 2009, there is a challenge to action and a response to this challenge. See Pause for Thought page. We wish you thoughtful reading.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Situation in Gaza - a Statement from the Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem

None of us can be left unmoved by the human tragedy in Gaza at present. The Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem, The Right Rev’d Suheil S. Dawani, shares his insights into what people are experiencing in a Statement.
We should give thanks that in the midst of this desperate situation there are people, who through their dedicated work and bravery in helping the injured and bereaved, show us that humanity is capable of better things.

Click here for the web site of the Diocese in Jerusalem.