Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Environment "is an issue of justice"!

“Ecological questions are increasingly issues of justice.“
“The poorest and most vulnerable and our children and grandchildren would pay the heaviest price for climate change...” are key messages from Archbishop Rowan Williams high profile Ebor Lecture Renewing the Face of the Earth: Human Responsibility and the Environment.

The lecture, given in York 25 March, was welcomed by a Greenpeace UK spokesman with the comment, "Hundreds of thousands of people are dying every year because we haven't taken the necessary steps to stop climate change. Whilst there's nothing wrong in hoping for a miracle, relying on one does seem to be more than a bit reckless. “

The Archbishop also made this point “To suggest that God might intervene to protect us from the corporate folly of our practices is as unchristian and unbiblical as to suggest that he protects us from the results of our individual folly or sin".

Something to think about while waiting to catch the plane!

For full text click here and BBC Online report here .