Sunday, February 7, 2010

Your chance to have your say!

The new Church Council and Church Wardens will be elected during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the 18th of April 2010. All those on the Electoral Roll are entitled to vote (see above), but all are welcome to attend. It is really important for the life of the church that as many people as possible support this event.

The AGM will take place directly after the Eucharist on 18th April. Please note the date and make the effort to be in church. The meeting itself will be short and will be followed by a shared lunch. A great social opportunity in other words!

If you are not on the Electoral Roll, and have questions about this please contact Birte. Other questions relating to the AGM can be addressed to the members of the Council. All are contactable via the (confidential) email on this website.