Monday, May 6, 2013

Don't miss the Apple Blossom - join the Wanderers this Saturday

The Wanderers are off to enjoy the apple blossom in Altes Land this Saturday, 11 May.

If you would like to join, meet at Hauptbahnhof in front of the Reise Zentrum 10.35 to catch the 11.06 Metronom train to Buxtehude (This will allow us time to work out what tickets, if any, are needed. Those of you with a Profi card can take another person along for free, while those with a card valid for Grossbereich only will need to buy a € 1.90 Ergänzungskarte)

Route: From Buxtehude along the east dyke to Estebrügge with its interesting church;then back along the west dyke to Buxtehude. Total distance c.12kms

Please bring a picnic for lunch. Delicious ice-cream in Buxtehude old town, if the café still exists; otherwise Kaffee u. Kuchen in one of the other numerous cafés.

Return journey Metronom to Hamburg at 21 mins past each hour, or S Bahn every half hour at 25 and 55.

Anyone finding it more convenient to meet at Buxtehude - the train arrives at 11.37 - must let me know when booking. Deadline for booking 18.00 Uhr on Friday, 10 May.

Contact Cicely-hollingsworth(at); 040/86 07 90; 0162 635 93 98